『but you did it』

17 1 0

I woke up again in a world she exists in, but doesn't want to rewind our memories. I'd trade all of my seasons to replay that film reel of two years. Instead, the nebulas in her eyes flickered out of existence as she woke up on the empty side of reality; she fast forwarded to a time we didn't exist together.

Maybe God doesn't like boys who've already been to hell. A bandaged friend said God seems like a prick, he also woke up in a bed with a warm body next to his. Hers, curled up comfortably into his chest as the sun gently kissed her shoulders and shone over her tired eyes. Those tired eyes held no love for me anymore - I was, no... I am a menace.

She said she was proud of me for the stupid things I did even when there was nothing to be proud about. A bandaged person says the same things to me - I can see how those two fell into the same leaf pile, destroying the serenity around them. They were a couple of chaos and there was no fixing me with their sobering faces because I was drunk on regret.

In a graveyard of emotions, she might still love me, but that's a fruitless tree to try and pick from. The stars shoot through my veins like heroin and send me orbiting the planet she harbours inbetween her ribs.

Even though she was a rose, she had thorns. Even though the thorns cut into my gums until I spoke satin words through bloody teeth, I continued to rub my tongue over them just to taste the remnants of spring rain. She gets me high.

Her entirety is the universe and she holds the galaxy between her hips. 

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