【someone went to the moon】

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The boy whose name I'll never whisper in your ear is a flickering candle who's flame is baby blue, barely existent. The wax pools up and drowns the flame before it can eat at him again.

In his bandaged lies, he soothes my heart with his free hand, putting porcelain parts together again even though I can tell it's cutting his fingers.

I'm made of boiling water, yet he bathes in my attention and swims in my mind even when the temperature drops to the winter sea. He turned his bandages into lace ribbons and wrapped himself up as a gift and I relished in the thought maybe he is a universe and I can love his s(c/t)ars.

Adrian is the dimension of cool planets where everything is red and fading into a black hole of a tigers teeth, and I still want to be swallowed in that nothingness...

but a whole new universe waits with open arms and new memories to cure my thoughts.

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