I'll break you

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Kanta POV

Me and Kanato have gotten more closer than before the mortal is still alive and the house is calm and peaceful well except my torture room beside that room it's peaceful like it will always be I was heading up towards my torture room with Kanato " I can't wait to torture her again it's always exciting to see her " emotions" I skipped with death in my tight grasp when I got in she was gone " Who took her?" Kanato asked " I don't remember anyone coming inside I'll check the security cameras they should've caught something." I walked in my control room


She was with Ayato " Pancake you smell delicious right now~." She whimpered " Ayato I'm not in the mood so please leave." He took her out of the chains and drunk from her until she passed out

35-45 minutes later

" He forgot to chain me back up I'm free!!" She dashed out the door that was still open and cheered

Flashback over

" Kanta keep your calm..." Kanato said still holding my hand " I'm not gonna kill him.... I'm NoT GonNa KiLL HIm..... IM GONNA KILL THE SON OF A......" until Kanato looked at me " You promised you wouldn't use foul language...." tears formed in his eyes " *sigh* IM GONNA KILL THAT TACO!!!!" I corrected myself so I didn't make Kanato cry " Better," His cute little smile turned into a psychopathic one I did the same " Let's go catch a Yui!" We both smiled in sync we both dashed out of the room holding hands while running checking each room until we saw Reji with Yui in his grasp " Looks like I win the bet~." He smirked " We said that NO ONE interfere withe the bet and you know who did AYATO DID THATS WHO!!!" We both squeezed death and teddy " Actually according to the rules you made technically you said I couldn't interfere," he started " NO WE MEANT ANY OF OUR BROTHERS!!!" We screamed " DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE LIKE YOU HAVE AUTHORITY," we coward in fear " now before I was rudely interrupted Ayato did come into the room to drink from Yui yes but you don't have proof that it was him." We rolled our eyes " Ok whatever what's our punishment?" We asked hoping it wasn't anything but...... " You two are going to be separated for 2 weeks." He smirked our hearts shattered hearing that " N-N-NO I CANNOT LEAVE KANATO/ I CANNOT LEAVE KANTA!!!!!" We cried hysterically hugging each other hoping that wouldn't get us separated " You lose you pay, Ayato Latio is going to make sure you don't spend time together." They both  came into the room and tried taking us out of the room separately " I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH A PERVERT/ I DON'T WANT TO GO WITH A JERK!!!!!" We cried once more

2-3 hours later

They finally took us apart we hugged each other one last time " I love you." We both separated with tears in our eyes I gave him death and he gave me teddy I patted teddy's head " I'll take care of you for Kanato."

Latio POV

Jeez why is it so hard to separate the two it's like peeling off a sticker on plastic without it breaking it's IMPOSSIBLE you can't do it " Are you ok?" I asked her I love my sister dearly but this is our punishment ( Latio and Ayato ) she put her head in my chest " I miss hanging out with all three of you." She admitted " Catching bats, torture the butlers, scaring,other kids, all the stuff we did before we killed mother and now we c-c-can't stand being i-i-in the s-s-same room t-together." She was now crying to her hearts content " Don't cry princess Latio will make sure we will spend more quadruplet time!" I reassured her she took her head out of my chest " Really," she rolled her eyes I just shrugged " That name was dead before we was born Latio." She face palmed I pouted " I thought that's what we always called it." She walked away " I'm done, you've fully disgusted me completely, I'm done I can't do it I'm leaving, you just ruined it I'm done." I chased after her " Whyyyyyyy, ONEE-CHAN!!!" She walked into my room and sat on my bed " I'm boooooooooooooored." I sighed " Well your gonna have to be bored somewhere else I'm having a friend over and you can't come." She fake gasped " Oh no Latio you need friends to have over, and the only friend you have is..... sorry I take that back, you don't have any friends." I rolled my eyes and pushed her out of the room " BYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" And slammed the door ' I do have friends..... '

Ayato POV

That little brat he was throwing anything in his sight he even picked me up and threw me at the wall " I WANT YOU TO PLAY TEA PARTY WITH ME!!!!!!!!" He screamed for once he scared the living shit out of me " FOR THE LAST TIME NO GOD DAMMIT!!!!" He grabbed my arm and threw me at the door and broke the door completely Reji saw my room and looked at pissed off Kanato " Kanato clean this me-......" he grabbed his head and threw him out the window " FUCK OFF!!!!" He yelled he started throwing things again ' Help me. ' he rushed out the door stepping on my head in the process " IM SEEING MY SISTER!!!!"

Time skip

Kanato POV

I was walking, no running around the house looking for her she was in my room playing with teddy " KANTA!!!" She looked up I tackled her into a hug we was now on the floor crying and promising we would never separate again "
I'm sorry I left you I'll never do it again it was stupid of me to make that bet with Reji!" I grabbed her chin " DON'T EVER SAY THAT, I should've came sooner instead of letting my anger out on worthless objects!" We started talking in sync " IM SORRY!!!!!"

No matter how far apart we are you will always be my sister from now till forever

So sad I love it even as a author ( even though I wrote the book)

Thanks to everyone who reads my books or even take a glance at them

I'm gonna start putting Kanato memes at the end of my stories even at the other ones

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I'm gonna start putting Kanato memes at the end of my stories even at the other ones


We are always together.          Kanato's twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now