Coming back to life with a price

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Reji POV

She better not die on me I miss her calling me onee-chan and helping her get dressed even if she ruined the house and ruined almost everything I absolutely loved her being around unlike all of them I don't show it but I do want her to live " Reji is it done yet....." I didn't turn around to see who it was I continued working " Does it look like it is?!?!" I couldn't do it no matter how hard I try her body wouldn't take the medicine it needed to be forced into her veins but it pushed out every time " Someone call Ruki he's the only one who could save her...." I sighed in defeat they all teleported out I looked at her lifeless body " YOU BETTER NOT DIE ON ME..... I-I-I n-need y-you..." tears filled my eyes and fell down my cheeks I saw her flinch or trying to reach out towards me

I cried even more holding her waist waiting for my idiotic brothers to bring Ruki ' Ruki if you refuse to help her so help me I'll tear your body to shreds and burn them in the firey pits of hell

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I cried even more holding her waist waiting for my idiotic brothers to bring Ruki ' Ruki if you refuse to help her so help me I'll tear your body to shreds and burn them in the firey pits of hell....' my brothers rushed into my room holding tide up Ruki and all of his brothers " Remember what I said you hurt her or refuse I'll kill you and your brothers one by one.... GOT IT!!!!" Kanato held Kanta's knife at his neck Ruki nodded and Latio let him go and everyone was on the sides 3 on the right 3 on the left giving him glares as he walks I stopped him before he can examine her " Watch your eyes or else half blood." He nods and starts examining her " Well there's a problem that I can't undo only a close sibling of hers can do, he needs to apologize and do something to keep that promise forever the one thing she wanted sense she was born....." he trailed off everyone stared at Kanato with serious eyes " Do it!" They shoved him towards her i just noticed a thorn was deep in her for head it looked like from a rose I did noticed that their mothers flower was more healthier than usual like it was feeding off of something ( if you don't understand back in the episode when Yui turned into their mother she accidentally touched the flower with her for head but the only thing that touched her was a thorn and that thorn didn't allow any kinds of healing potions or medication come into her body without it being removed so if it isn't removed then she is absolutely immoral to any helpful medication and potions: not calling you dumb I just thought that it seemed confusing ) I walked over towards her corpse I plucked the thorn out she breathed for a minute I grabbed my potions and put the epiy pin in her arm her burnt skin slowly turned back into normal I was waiting for her to awake from her slumber " HEY REJI SHE'S CURED WHY ISN'T SHE WAKING UP?!?!?" Saboru punched my wall ' BISH YOU WANNA DIE!!!!! ' I looked up at Kanato " Ruki is right but not about the promise part just the apology part." I pushed up my glasses putting up the middle finger flipping Saboru off ' Bitch...... ' Saboru thought

Kanta POV

I was breathing again DAMMIT I wanted to see what death felt like not being suicidal now but everyone does at one point in life I heard Kanato apologizing " I'm sorry I ever forgot about you and I disobeyed every order you arranged even though it was to protect my heart even thought I became heartbroken in the end for not listening to your helpful advice I hope you could forgive me although I could never forgive or forget how I made my own sister sad and angry you deserve to live while I die it should've been me.... I-I-I'm sorry K-K-Kanta.... PLEASE COME BACK TO US!!!!" He yelled the last part a part of me told me that it was time to forgive and forget ' YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK THE CORNY SHIT!!!!! ' I tackled Kanato in a hug " Of course I forgive you Kanato and teddy!" I patted both of their heads I was tackled into a hug by all of them " IMMOTO/ ONEE-CHAN WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!" I couldn't breathe I was panting for air I may be a vampire but I need air " C-C-C-CAN'T B-B-B-BREATHE!!!!!" They got off they all apologized talking st the same time basically in sync Azusa was walking over to give me a hug Kanato threw my knife hoping to kill him " KANATO!" I screamed he looked at me and shrugged " Wasn't me." I giggled and tackled him into a hug " I love you..." he whispered " I love you too." I whispered back I fell on the floor passing out everything was pitch black " KANTA!" I heard shouting

Latio POV

It's been a hour sense she blacked out I looked at her once more she grew a tail and ears " Neko???" She slowly got up her tail swayed back and forth " NYA~ ..." she looked my way and smiled " Morning Imooto!"

" she looked my way and smiled " Morning Imooto!"

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" Morning onee-chan~, your catty today~." I said in my flirty way ( more like perverted way.... ) I patted her head and she started purring " NYA~!!!"  Kanato walked in screaming " WHO DID THIS ?!?!?" He pointed at his tail and ears " MORE NEKOS!!!!" I patted his head and he purred/growled while  Kanta bit my hand " Ow that hurt~.... Reji said it's some kind of side affect." I shrugged Kanato growled " WHY DID IT HAPPEN TO ME!!!!" I shrugged and walked out
No ones POV

" Nii~ Kanato calm down." She tried to comfort him he sighed " Although you just died you still need to go to school." She smirked " Nya~ Kanato isn't jealous is he doesn't want boys to come near me isn't that cute~." He turned around with a flushed face " NO I just want you to rest and you could get the energy to go to school that's all." He hissed she giggled and walked out into the limo " Looks like the side affects kicked in." Reji smirked

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