Christmas special

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Kanta POV 

Today was perfect not one thing could go wrong me and Kanato was sitting in my room having a tea party "This is good~!" I squealed in delight as I ate another piece of cake while Kanato ate some of the cookies and drank tea while I drank hot chocolate we had a blast and we sat around for awhile taking a nap while everyone else was doing whatever it was our day to hang out and not anyone can bother us we felt happy and whole again with my brother "HOES HOES HOES!!!!! HERES Claude_is_SENPAI!!!!! AKA FUCKING SANTY CLAUDE!!!!" I growled and ran downstairs to see a tree with all of us as ornaments with the tree shining bright "Oh it's Christmas right..." I walked towards her she handed me a gift and so with everyone else I loved mine it was a yandere Kit "one yandere to another~" she whispered and walked out the door getting back on her weird sleigh scratch that it wasn't even a sleigh more like a purple pen and she just flew into the air I looked at my te cup "What was this filled with....cocaine?" I watched everyone mostly Yui she got a rabid dog and raccoon with a note says "fuck you" Shuu got headphones and a piano, Rejii got books and science kit, ayato got video games, kanato got sweets and a new teddy bear with a knife through its heart, laito got something I don't wanna discuss like who gets a ps4 like Xbox is better ( nastys ), Subaru got a punching bag and bricks, 


Merry Christmas/ Hellsmas/ taggsmas everyone

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