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Parents are the ones who'd make our dreams and also that someone who shatters them

They would let you find your missing pieces then shatter them, and wonder why you’re broken

They would make you wear painful words as It was a scarf and it chokes you, and do they care?

They would not help you rise up instead they would compare you to another person

'Oh, look at Mary Jane's Daughter- look how she does it better'

And how painful it is to us that we aren't enough.

And remember how you were just a seed and they'd water you everyday and you grew as a beautiful daisy?

But didn't realize you were In a field of roses and they would cut you off 'cause you need success

And try, try again, thrive success

But Isn't a daisy enough?
And after they cutted you off they'd wonder why you didn't grow back

'I'm a daisy, I'm a daisy. Why can't you just love me?' You cried and cried infront of them

You told them the depths of your heart and then they would laugh 'That's horrible' they say. and you prepared that for months and that was all they say for a day?

And oh, remember how you told them that you started writing and you loved doing it?

'What does writing do, does It make money like I do?' They exclaimed as you flew
Then you fell off

Do we really money? But what If we can make money of what we most loved doing?

And also, you remembered when you helped a fellow daisy like you and they got angry 'cause It's not you who should be helping

Remember how you showed them your grades and they kept a straight face and wasn't proud?

Remember how they pointed in your face that you are just a daisy an ordinary daisy and your sister was a rose?

How It hurts to be not enough.

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