soft men

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i think the pictures broke from last chapter ok but sorry.


jin: foodscrems

namjoon: Grammar

hoseok: hopey

yoongi: softbutbitter

taehyung: deepocean

jimin: slutdropper

jungkook: muscleman6969



Grammar: Hello?

Grammar: Good morning?

Grammar: Isn't anyone up?

Grammar: Huh?

foodscrems: yes i'm up because of you thank you for being my personal alarm clock.

Grammar: You're welcome

foodscrems: that was sarcasm.

Grammar: Oh.

slutdropper: what the fuck.

foodscrems: language mr.

slutdropper: korean

foodscrems: what the fuck

slutdropper: language.

foodscrems: oh mygod.

slutdropper: namjoon why're u up so early?

Grammar: Isn't it natural to get up this early..?

slutdropper: no sleep in until 1pm.

Grammar: I'm going to work on some songs and then take a shower and gdsfdshhhhhhhhdfgdg

foodscrems: shit, what happend are you okay?

Grammar: Sorry I just hit my head on the door frame and tripped then broke a vase on my coffee table.

foodscrems: how do u manage that..?

slutdropper: lol god of destruction.

foodscrems: well now i'm up i might aswell start cleaning and stuff..

slutdropper: you sound like a domestic mom

foodscrems: i might aswell be your mom.

slutdropper: god of destruction is the dad then lol

Grammar: What..?

foodscrems: okay see you in a bit, i'm going to clean

slutdropper: okay see u s00n

Grammar: I'm cleaning this vase up then I guess.


softbutbitter: what the fuck did i wake up to

hopey: hello! how are you?

softbutbitter: fine i guess.

hopey: good :DDD!!

deepocean: gsdfsod mrodrtngg

softbutbitter: what type of disability does this one have?

hopey: hey, thats not nice >:(

softbutbitter: .

softbutbitter: sorry

deepocean: sorry i didnt have my contacts in, good morning my friends.

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