A Little Chat

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Colin and I talked for hours about everything we could think of: careers; dreams; silly mistakes we've made; family; Whitney and her crazy personality.

"You have five siblings?" I asked, slightly astonished.

"Yeah," Colin answered with a small laugh, "Rachel, James, Denice, Esmeralda, and Ephraim. All of them are still in England with my parents."

"I used to have triplet brothers," I said, "Joshua, Joseph, and Jordan."

"Used to?" Colin inquired hesitantly, "Why do say that?"

I sighed sadly.

"They, along with my parents, died in a house fire when I was thirteen. I survived because I wasn't home at the time. I was at Whitney's house for the weekend..."

"I'm sorry for your loss..." Colin said quietly, "Were you close with them?"

"No, not really. The three of them got along with each other, and my parents favored them over me, so I usually spent my time alone in my room or outside."

Colin's expression was a bit difficult to read, but I was hoping that it was sympathy or something like that.

Colin's expression was a bit difficult to read, but I was hoping that it was sympathy or something like that

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"I'm sorry about your family, Rosephanie."

I just shrugged.

"It's alright. It's not your fault that they were the way that they were."

Colin silently took a sip of his Latte while I did the same from mine.

I always got Carmel lattes. No matter where I went, I always picked up a Carmel latte if it was offered.

"Mr. Albernon-" I started.

"I've told you before, Miss..." He thought for a moment, "Actually, I regret to inform you that I do not know your last name."

"Ah, I see." I said apologetically, "Fermin. Rosephanie Fermin."

"Alright then, Miss Fermin, please call me Colin. 'Mr. Albernon' is something I require my employers to call me, not my acquaintances."

"You say that we are acquaintances?" I asked.

"Yes, are we not?"

I shrugged.

"Most people prefer to avoid me, so I'm not exactly used to being counted as an acquaintance. Are you finished?" I gestured towards his empty mug.

"Ah, yes, thank you." He said politely.

After washing out the mugs, I turned off the lights and turned to exit the cafe.

As I turned towards the door, I saw Colin standing there with the door open.

"After you." He told me.

I smiled shyly and walked out into the cold evening air.

"Thank you for everything, Mr. Alb...I mean...Colin." I corrected myself, "I've never had someone be willing to help me in the way that you had today with Mr. Lewis, so...thank you."

Colin gave me a slight smile.

"You're most welcome, Miss Fermin." He replied.

"Please, call me Rose." I said, extending my hand in late introduction.

I expected Colin to shake it, but instead, he kissed it.

He obviously saw the confusion on my face.

"Is something the matter?" He asked, sounding perplexed.

"Well..." I began, "most people around here don't kiss each other's hands...we shake them."

"Where I'm from, it is a custom that a gentleman greet or bid farewell to a woman in such a way." He answered, "I can disclose it from our meetings if you wish."

"Oh, no. That's alright." I reassured him, "I find it rather charming."
Colin smiled.

"I hope we will meet again soon, Rose." He concluded, "Until then?"
"Yes, of course." I replied, smiling back.

That was the last I saw of him...until the next morning.

Colin and Rosephanie (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now