Good Girl, Bad Girl

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When my eyes finally opened, I saw my room come into focus. My bed was beneath me, my window displayed darkness with a sky painted in stars, and a sleeping Colin Albernon knelt beside me, his hand laced with mine.

"Colin...?" I asked quietly, as not to wake him roughly.

His gentle eyes slowly opened, widening the moment they set their gaze on mine.

"How long have you been awake?" He questioned, "What happened to you?"

"I don't know..." I answered, "All I remember is..." I paused. I had argued with him on the streets about nothing, really. Guilt immediately settled into my chest, "Colin...I'm so sorry..."

"You don't need to apologize." He said softly, "I should have given you fewer things to think about. You were obviously in pain and uneasy."

"What happened after I blacked out?" I asked him, "All I remember is being really tired after walking from the cafe."

Colin began his explanation.

"After I noticed you were losing your balance, I caught you before you hit the sidewalk." He said, "Forgive me, but I looked in your wallet to find your address." He handed me my wallet. Nothing was missing, "I carried you here. The front desk let me up. It took a few lies to get them to allow me in, but it worked."

"Lies?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "What did you lie about?"

Colin scratched his head nervously.

"I had to tell them that I was...your boyfriend...and that you had fainted from an asthma attack. The believed me easily. You may want to find higher security."

I nodded slightly.

"Why didn't you just tell the truth?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I figured that would look as if I were stalking you or something." He said simply, "I'm sorry if I made the wrong choice."

I rested my head on my palms.

"I'd say you did." I murmured, "Now people think I have a boyfriend."

Before either of us could say another word, my phone rang. Picking up the receiver, I put it to my ear.


A man with a British accent responded.

"Good day, madame. We were notified by our detainee that this number would direct us to a...Rosephanie Firmen?"

"This is she."

"We regret to inform you that a young man by the name of Luke Rockefeller and his accomplice Whitney Ewezo have been temporarily put into police custody under suspicion of theft."

My eyes widened.

"What? How? When?" I questioned that British man, "Where is she now?"

"In an international vouching prison here in London." The voice answered,
"We request one of Ms. Ewezo's relatives or best known acquaintances to bail her out. She was not directly put on trial, but she will still need someone who knows her well to provide a steady past history in local records."

"Well, what needs to be done? Shall I send her background information to the prison?" I asked, fidgeting with my hair.

"No. The chosen individual will be required to come to England and set her out with a bail."

After a long discussion about detailing, I knew that I was needed in England to help Whitney out if her issue. Colin offered to accompany me. I accepted this offer gladly.

Colin and Rosephanie (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now