Lloyd x orphan! reader part one

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I never wrote an x Orphan!Reader but I think this kinda came out pretty good.

Warnings: Nah.

Requested by Ninjagolover on ficionpad


(Btw you and Lloyd are around 13 to 14.)

You look up at your new school. You had to change schools because the school you use to go to was long ways away from the orphanage. That right. You're an orphan. Why? Well because your mother died from an illness and right after that your father just abandoned you at the hell hole you have to call home for now. Anyways you walked into the school only to get hit in the face with the smell of dirty gym socks, used pads, and the blood of the 6 graders.

"Basically nothing changed," you whispered to yourself like a crazy person. You look down at the paper they hand you when they showed you around which was on Monday. Your first hour was Miss. Rara in room 224. Where was that again? You realize that you were standing at the same spot for five minutes. You decided to ask a kid in a green hoodie who was sitting down at one of the tables alone. "Hey, could you show me where's room 224?" you asked as taking a seat next to him.. "Hmm? Oh sure. It's actually my first class." he blushed. "Ok thanks." you chirped. After that, you guys talk and you figured out his name was Lloyd. Soon the bell had rung."Come on we don't want to be late for class." Lloyd grinned.

Six hours later

"Well that was a sh!t storm," you affirmed, Lloyd nod in agreement as you're class walked to the lunch room. What happened was in the first hour you spilled red paint on a "popular" girl named Heather and now you're going to get f*cked right up against the ass, and also did you know there was three Heather's? Anyways right now they're trying to make you're life worst then it really is.

You and Lloyd sat down at an empty table. You read a book when Lloyd said something " So where do you live?" He asked. You stop reading and looked at Lloyd. Should you tell him you live in an orphanage? You just met him today. He is cute though. Wait, what are you saying! You just met this guy today and you already have a crush on him! Anyways you hesitated a little before telling him. "I live in an orphanage." You whisper so no one hears. "Why?" Lloyd whispered back.

To be continued ...


I hope you guys enjoyed!

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