How you guys sleep

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(1.) The Spoon

A study (Oh fuck I'm adding science into this) shows that this position is only adopted by 18 percent of couples and it shows a dynamic in which "one partner takes a protective stance over the other.". Thought, it is cute it can be NFSW. 

Pattie wood, who also worked on this study says that "It's a very vulnerable position that's sexual, but says, 'I trust you,'"


(5.) The unraveling knot

This position shows that couples who sleep like this may have a  stronger relationship and only 8 percent adopts this position. Dr.Sweet says it's  "a compromise between intimacy and independence, allowing for the best of both worlds."


(9.)  The leg hug

According to a study by Wood, if your partner raps their leg around you,  it means they crave an emotional or sexual connection.

It also shows that you can't get enough of each other, even when you're sleeping.  "It means your lives are intertwined, that you function as a pair. You probably finish each other's sentences and take care of each other," Wood said.


(8.) The Nuzzle

(Just going to copy and paste the article I'm was using) 

"This sweet position, in which one partner rests his or her head on the other's chest while legs are intertwined, is often seen in early relationships and occasionally rekindled ones, according to Dr. Sweet.

This is a very nurturing posture that creates a sense of protection.

Shirley Glass, a psychologist and marital therapist, also notes "there's a high level of trust here," as this snuggling position has a "strengthening sense of comradeship and protection." "

I also want to add that I don't think Zane sleeps so I believe he likes to watch his partner sleep and examine their face. 


(7.) The back kissers

" If you sleep back-to-back but touch with your butts or backs, this is also a good thing — but it's also novel.

According to Dr. Sweet, this means "both partners are relaxed and comfortable with one another." "

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