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Annabelle's POV:

Dylan gripped my wrist and pulled me hard making me wince slightly, I guess I was going to lose my virginity today. But in the most painful way possible.

"Dylan, please. Spare me! I haven't done anything wrong!" I complained.

"Yes you have you nasty ass bitch. I just wanted a make out session and you completely denied that. So I gotta show you who's boss now."

I was utterly shocked by what he said. It's all fake. All a big fucking scam.

"Dylan...I thought you loved me. But no. It was all a Lie, all a joke!"

"Wanna know what else is a joke? You." He blurted out. And he seemed quite proud.

My heart shattered so much at the moment I could almost hear it.

"Well, you're probs a mistake ya know. A mistake would deffo act like the way you're acting now." I said to him, and actually felt quite proud I could go all bitch mode on him.

"Just wait till we get home. There I'm
Gonna teach you a fucking lesson you goddamn son of a bitch."

I decided to piss him off a lil more. Coz lmao why the fuck not.

"I'm a girl not a boy. And I'm deffo not a dog." I said.

That's when he slapped me across the face hard. Leaving a red mark. It hurt for a matter of seconds then the pain gradually faded.

Ok maybe my bitch more intensified a lil.

-In Dylan's house-

We arrived at his house. It was plain and silent. We were the only ones inside.

Dylan harshly pushed me down on the sofa. He got closer to me and I tried to back out. But he caged around me. I was trapped.

He leant in and hungrily kissed me, with a touch of  desperation, then quickly bit into my lip, causing me to gasp.

"You like that?" He asked me with that cheeky lil smirk on his fucking face.

Honestly, I kinda liked it. But it wasn't turning me on in any way.

"No I fucking don't. So fuck off." I said confidently.

He lifted my skirt up, revealing my thighs. And slapped them hard. Making me whimper a bit.

He released me from my cage and lifted his shirt slightly, revealing his belt.

Oh god no....

He undid the belt, then undid the zipper, leaving him in his boxers.

"Unwrap the present." He said flirtatiously.

I had to obey obviously. So I did as I was told and pulled down the Calvin Kleins.

I saw the erection and gulped. Damn it's big.

"Suck on that. Let me see your skills."

I squeezed around the base slightly, and with a deep breath I took it all in my mouth, it literally filled up my whole mouth.

I went slow at first, then got faster, making sure the tip hit the back of my throat.

"You're so good...just like that." He said in between his moans.

With that he got some strands of my hair and pulled on them, encouraging me to go faster.

In a matter of moments, he released into my mouth.

"Damn you're so good. You've had your turn. Now it's my turn baby."  He said before he stripped me off, showing my genital parts. I covered them with my hand.

"Don't hide. You're beautiful."

He pushed me down on the sofa hard, positioning himself at my entrance. I had no clue how this was gonna turn out. Hopefully gentle.

And I was wrong.

He thrust into me with one hard slap.

"Ah!" I moaned.

"Shh. That's just the start."

He constantly slapped into my body, hard and fast, making me shake so damn much. It hurt so frickin much. But at the same time teasingly pleasurable.

I was stuck in a moaning mess, tugging and pulling at his hair.

"That'" and I was cut off by a lingering kiss.

I felt that knot form in my stomach. I knew what that meant, I was about to reach my climax.

"Dylan I'm gonna-"

He put his fingers over my lips and with that I realised all over him.

He slapped my sensitive area with his cock then nuzzled me into his chest.

Holy damn.

All A Lie, All A Joke (sequel to A Celebs First Love)Where stories live. Discover now