Part 6

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— Play the song when I say so :)—
You walked up to the stage, V close next to you. On the stage, there was a bass guitar, karaoke machine, and microphone.
"V! Can you play a bass guitar?"
"Yes." He replied flatly.
"Wait, actually?" He nodded his head.
"Ok, just play something. I will try the lyrics. The machine can do the drums." He strapped the guitar on, his half lidded eyes concentrating on the many strings.
"Uh..Hi everyone! I am Y/N, and I am here with P.V, and we are going to try to do a little song. I hope y'all like it!" (Start song). You nodded at V, and he strummed some notes, and the machine made some drum noises. You nervously fiddled with the mic and grabbed it off the stand. You breathed in, and let out the first words that popped into your head.
"Magic for me,
Magic makes no sound.
It's good for me,
It's good for me underground"
It sounded okay. You continued the song. The lyrics rolled off your tounge. The crowd cheered, and you clapped your hands on your thighs. They all started singing along. It felt like a real concert to you. You looked over at V. He was smiling at you. Your face reddened a little. The lyrics were blurred in your head the more you thought about him. What if Fink was right? What if he did like you? Your clapping slowed down a bit. You trailed off.
"She made me tell myself...
Tell on!" The crowd joined in.
"She turned my dad on!"
"She turned my dad on, dad on, dad on!"
— After the karaoke—
(You can turn off the music now)
You both walked off the ship, hands in your pockets.
"I had a lovely time." You said, turning to look at him. He was smiling, his eyes partly lidded, staring at the sidewalk ahead.
"It was fun." He replied. You both walked in silence.
"So, how did you know I liked those songs?" You asked.
"Lucky guess. I don't really have that much time to listen to music."
"Oh." You replied. You saw the factory on the horizon. You walked to the front door. V fiddled with the keys, and opened the door. Fink was asleep on the couch. V picked her up gently.
"Y/N, I am going to put her to bed. You should probably get to bed as well. You have work tomorrow." You nodded, yawned, and stretched. You felt a kiss on the cheek. You turned around, and saw V walking down the hall. Your face exploded with color. Did he just....?
You ran to the bedroom, and laid down on your bed. Your mind was at a Million places at once. You slowly drifted off to sleep.

Wisteria- Professor Venomous X Reader Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora