that one time

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Woo I got like 5 views. Fun fact, I have an essay due tomorrow and I haven't even written the rough draft yet, and I chose to write this. 

I shall tell about the time I broke my ankle at school.

Okay so I was in P.E. class and we were doing this thing where we switch between long jump, throwing a ball (I forgot what its called), high jump, and freakin jumping hurdles that you would find on a track. Now, the unathletic potato I am, I have never done any of these. All was good until it was hurdle time. My friend... Boloney (I shall put whatever fake name i want dangit!) did it before me, as well as one of the boys who i had the argument like 2 chapters ago- he was not Midget, so i chose Jacket, for the jacket he wears-, and did it okay. 

I go and Jump over the first hurdle, I do go over the hurdle, but my foot lands on the ground improperly, and I black out. I thought I might have been there for like a minute, but way later on Baloney told me it was around 2 seconds. My gym teacher calls to my where he is still sitting in a chair on his computer, and asks "Hey, you ok?". I get up and limp over to the bleachers to sit down.

Yada yada, he gets an ice pack, blah blah, class goes on normally and it ends. He asks a girl to get my stuff from the locker rooms, Jacket and him help me limp out into the hallway, it gets too painful and so I lean up against a wall while he finds a wheel chair. My school does have wheel chairs, but the health teacher he is got an office chair. I get wheeled into math class sitting in an office chair, wearing a soaking sock, and holding a half melted bag of ice to my ankle. 

I ask Baloney for my bags and crap, mainly because it had my phone in it. the teacher is still oblivious to my pain, and my texting. I text my mom and ask her if she had heard, she asked me what, and I told her the story. I was called into the office, and wheeled there by Jacket again. They got me an actual wheel chair, my bro was called in to the office, and i was sent to the doctors office nearby. The teachers did try to cheer me up, and Jacket was an impressive driver when he pushed me. 

Long story short, I had to go to an actual hospital place thing that was almost an hour away, my dad drove me, it was painful because I couldn't walk on my foot and I kept trying to walk on it, umm, and i got a cast and crutches. Thus the 'Im crippled' jokes began.  Literally. Some of my friends told crippled jokes because I was technically temporarily crippled. 

Later that week, my math teacher came in -I was hanging out in the nurses office for the day,- and was almost in tears. The P.E. teach came in, but i saw later that he put up smaller hurdles and still kept the big ones. Not all of us are track stars, ya know. 

I got out of running the mile at the end of the year, so all was good. Heres a thermal picture of one of my not cats, Lottie. 


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