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ok so the last chapter still stands (im not gonna post much, probs note to little at all)

but i did this thing for english

so we watched The Twilight Zone, season five episode 17, "Number 12 Looks Just Like You"

and we had to do a small project about it and i chose a short story about another characters POV 

I chose Doe, a nurse that helped Marilyn ge tthe prosedure or whatever done

ok so heres the short

 It's been ages. It's like I'm watching a screen play a video. Every so often, there's something that catches my eye. The world is mostly dull, though. The transformation changed me in many ways. I thought it would "be okay" when it happened, just like my mom told me. I don't even think that is my mom, if what I'm going through is anything like she's been for the past thirty-ish years. At least, I think it's been thirty. It's been hard to keep track, as that thing has been controlling my body, what I say, its even controlled my whole life ever since I got the procedure done. I hate it, I want it gone. I want my life back. That thing had helped the professor, Sig or whatever his name is, had me help get that poor girl. I saw her before, when she was forced to stay in this horrible place.

The thing manipulated me and said those plastic words to her. Oh, how I hated every minute of it. Then later on, the doctor, Rex, said he knew that she would try to run, and that "we'd get her and start the procedure". I knew it was inevitable, and that she would get changed, but I tried to fight it. It was no use, like I thought. In the end, we all get turned. I saw her walk out to Lana and Val, who I think may have been her mother and possibly sister or friend. I wonder how they feel about this, how she no longer is what she was like before. At least they knew her. To me, she is just a passing blip of guilt.

Well, 'I' have another procedure to help with tomorrow.

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