Untitled Part 11

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At school we have to (completely trash) alter a play. My group chose one called "Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Goose" or somethin like that. The storyline for my group's altered play is along the lines of  dinner at 11, everyone comes early, horrible game of go fish, eat a few crackers as 'dinner', run around because Sherlock lost his comb, clean up dinner, comb falls outta duck, everyone goes berserk with the blaming, problemo solved, time to take pic, where is phone to take a pic, frickin Mr. Mousse stole the phone and is tryin to start arguing again, pic taken, everything decendes into more blaming chaos. The name of the play is "Sherlock Combs, and the missing comb." I took that from the script

i have to bring a giant rubber duck for the duck at dinner. his name is Mr. Quackers. i shouldn'tve offered him as an option. 

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