its another oen

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heyyyyy who wants something that i wrote ath the beginning of this year

its crap

The day we spent around two hours in a store it took around four to get to.

I still want the fox. Okay, personal narrative, coming right up. Hit that rewind button because you'll be confused if you don't. Welcome to a day that happened, told like a narrator in past-tense.

Ahh, I really should've gotten ready sooner, because I was late. I had jumped into the car, ready to zoom off for a store that I didn't really know. We had gotten on the road and after a while I was bored. All around me were corn fields, gravel roads, and vast expanses of nothing, so I did what one might do. I got out a book, and started reading. Granted, it was on my phone, but it was a long chapter, and my brother was dozing off listening to game music. Oh, reading that chapter was not a good idea. I ended up getting slightly carsick, just enough to make me uncomfortable. I had opened my window, and had my head resting on my arms while hanging out of it. Soon, we came to a town, and stopped for lunch, which was Subway. I was still feeling slightly sick, but once I eat something, it goes away. So we get our subs and whatever and sit down. After we eat, we leave and start our journey up again.

I dose off daydreaming and later get woken up by my mom telling me that I can use a picnic blanket as a pillow and to get one for my brother as well. I told her I was fine, but ended getting it anyway. I did take a nap, and was later woken up as we pulled into the store's parking lot. Oh, the trip was about how my dad wanted to go to this store called im not putting the store name, and get some stuff. The store is in Yoinks this is a state or something, so it took a while to get there. We go into still the store name and stop at the restrooms which are right next to the door to go to the bathroom and drink from the fountains (that was only me testing how fresh the water was.).

While waiting, I looked around at the decour. A lot of the decorations were animals that were stuffed like geese, moose, caribou, deer, there were 2 bears (respectively black and brown in fighting pose), I saw a few foxes, there were some animals I forgot the names of, and a few others. The main attraction was a man-made waterfall with some more stuffed animals like mountain lions, lynx, ram (or goat, they were on a ledge), fisher, a wolverine, there was a polar bear, a few wolves, another bear, a moose, and a white fox. We walked around and found ourselves in the camping cooking section. We looked at some things, and then went into the gun area.

There was a lot of ammo and there were a few build your own gun kits. We wandered around and got to the waterfall. There were lots of coins thrown in, and even a toy pig was submerged under the blue-clear water. We threw in a penny each (my mom, my brother, and me) into the falls and looked around at the mini-mountain display. My dad caught up with us, and we started walking to a gift shop or something of the sort. I almost ran into the stuffed polar bear if it wasn't for my mom telling me to watch out. We went into the shop area, and the first thing I saw was crocks, but they had fuzz on the inside. I followed my family into the 'savings cavern' (it had a sign on the doorway that said something of the sort).

My mom and dad were looking around, so I just kinda followed my mom like a confused Anas Platyrhynchos (ooh, fancy speak for a duck). I found a shirt that was okay, but then i found a jacket that was slightly better. My brother found a pair of pants that were actually longer than his legs (he's tall, so that's pretty hard to do). We left and started looking around again.

We passed a fish tank that was pretty cool and had river fish in it. We ended up by the kid's section of the store after the fish tank, so I looked around because I was curious. There was a tub of giant ocean creatures, and there was a display of various animals. I was looking through them because I saw a few cat ones (being the cat lover I am, I had to look), and I ended up finding an adorable fox stuffed animal. I almost instantaneously wanted it, but my mom said only one thing. I did like the fox better than the jacket, but the jacket had more uses than cuddling an almost stiff fox toy. It was still adorable though.

I ended up carrying it around with me till the checkout, while I still hadn't made my decision. I asked my mom her opinion, and she told me the jacket. I ended up having to put the fox away, but I was disappointed. I went to the bathroom while we were checking out, and they have cool faucets there. One of the staff were cleaning, and me being the total social person i was told them this. They said that a lot of the customers enjoyed it too and said that they looked pretty. I then left the store with my family and into the car again.

We drove home after that, and passed some not-mountains, aka really big hills that if you fell off of could break your leg. My brother was listening to music again, so I, the wonderful sibling I am, poked him a lot through the ride. We had to stop to get dinner, and my brother suggested Five Guy's Burgers and Fries. It was a few miles off of our course, but we were on our way so we still went. Nothing exciting happened besides that they have good burgers, pretty small fries for a large, and that the fried may be fresh but they are salty and slightly bland. We got some peanuts for the road and went on our way home.

We got home and grabbed the things in the trunk. I said hello to my cat and then was unceremoniously told to put him back down. I had to split doing chores with my brother since he didn't have to make dinner, and then did some stuff, and went to bed. The end of this story is now. Goodbye. I still want the fox though. 

the last sentense was supposed to be really small 

the last sentense was supposed to be really small 

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