how did this even happen?

one minute his small car was driving along the quiet mountain side path way that nobody would ever even think about going down unless they were just in need of a get away. a get away from everything. a break.

and now, this.

the rhythmic rock of the car was almost calming in a way. a way that completely contradicted the fear of plummeting to death into the water below.

he sat there motionless, sure that he should be more scared and frantic. even though panic would send him into the hands of death. that was what people did in times of fear; they panicked.

but not him.

for some reason,

not him.

his hands were laying flat on the steering wheel, holding it with a simple and soft grip.



the car balanced beautifully on the edge of the cliff, rocking as if it had nothing to lose, even though in reality,

he had everything to lose.

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