i want to know why you chose to drive here in the first place.

the deer had a valid question. why did he come out?

"i'd rather not say."

it went quiet again, the melodies of nature still alive in the air.

well, what were you doing before this?

"well, i was living, i guess."

are you not still alive?

"i mean, yes. but this car could fall at any second."

but until then, you are still alive.

he sighed. a deer outsmarted him. again.

i don't think you answered my question. what were you doing before this? don't humans go to school, have families and such?

"we do."

did you go to school?

"i did."

what for?


ah. the art of capturing a thing or place at it's exact moment and beauty in that time.

"i mean, i never thought of it that way, but sure."

why did you choose to learn about photography?

hm. why did he?

"maybe it's what you said. because i wanted to capture things in their beauty at an exact moment in time," he explains, thinking back on his school years. "makes me wish i would have finished my college years."

you didn't finish?

"nope. i dropped out the other day."

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