"have you ever thought that maybe... we're just like, not real?"

not real?

"yeah. like it's just this fake world. or a dream. or this whole reality just isn't real at all. maybe it's just some weird combination of earth and chemicals that somehow made me. and i'm not actually real. i'm just like, a chemical reaction, and in reality, my whole life has gone by in a flash. if i can even call it a life. or maybe i'm all alone in life, and everyone else is just a figment of my imagination."

you think that you're a chemical reaction?

"no- i just.. it's a thought."

well, i'm afraid that we might never really know the answer to that question.

"no, i suppose not."

the sun had actually come up over time, coming back into the sky and sending warm waves of sunbeams through the air.

"has it been a complete night?"

i suppose it has.

"and i'm still here?"

i would suppose that you are.


what are you going to do?

"well... i.. i don't know. but i'm not going to sit here. i'm going to try and get out, or maybe start my engine again."

you are?

"yes. i am. being here all night, with absolutely no one driving by has made me think me about something."

and what is that?

"that maybe i was meant to come out here. whether i got stuck or not. whether it was my intention or not. and whether i'm real or not, i'm still here. and i'm supposed to get out of this by myself, to not be a spectator for once... whether i fall, or not."

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