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a/n: some of these ideas and concepts might be a little triggering. read at your own risk. also some of you might now agree with this stuff, i ask you to not be mean about it. just kinda think about it.
but aren't you afraid? knowing that you could fall?

"i don't think i am... you see, it doesn't matter what i do."

it doesn't?

"i came out here... so worried about my future. but now i know that it doesn't matter. no matter what i do. no matter what i do in my future. it just.. won't matter. the waves will keep crashing. even after i'm gone. the grass will still be blowing. even if i never come back. or if i never came here in the first place. the day will turn to night, and the night to day again."

he sat there a moment, looking out at the view, the car still rocking itself.

"yes. the ocean is beautiful. it's nice to just have at least that right now..." he said honestly.

"i know that this cliff will still be here. even if i left. and to think... that i thought i needed to be closer with the world. maybe. just maybe it was the opposite. being here. away from everything else. i needed it. knowing that all this... that it all carries on. everything really will be ok, even if i'm not here. i know it will be."

and with that, the deer turned. it turned itself away from him, walking away from the cliff and the car as well, like it had done it's job. like it was satisfied. like it's work was done. like it would carry on. the wind blew against it's skin, leaves flying daintily.

"hey, where're you going?"

but it didn't answer, it just walked off, continuing on it's way now, down another path.

as the deer kept going, it heard the faint familiarity of a car engine starting, and this time, the engine didn't give up. the waves crashed once more, the wind dancing through the air as it did many times before and would continue to do. it looked up for a moment, looking towards the cliff through the trees.

the cliff was still there, as were the tree and flowers and grass. the ocean and sky as well. and then the car, the one that had once rocked on the edge of the cliff, rocked on the edge of life and death for so long, was gone. and, whichever way it left, whatever path he took, he was now far.

the end.

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