Chapter one

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 We, Oli, Witts, Tara, and I, were outside eating popsicles. When my dad burst out of the sliding glass door. He yelled, "Get inside to the basement now !". We followed him inside to find him and mom grabbing every food they could carry. My mom told us to grab anything we would need and then immediately go to the basement.

I got down stairs to find hundreds of tools, weapons, and gadgets.

"Cool. Your parents are spies!" Oli guessed with the full intention of being right.

My mom and dad came down stairs and set down the last groups of food then went back upstairs and closed the door. Then locked it. My heart started to pound like a thousand little drums beating on my chest.

Before we could ask what was going on, my dad started talking. "You need to be very quiet. And we will explain everything."

I was expecting dad and mom to start explaining but instead dad went over to a small black box covered in dust. He lightly pressed a small blue button on the back of the box. I felt my heart leap when a small blue figure stood on top of the box. It was a tall fancy looking woman with straight hair.

She looked directly at my mom and dad as if she was really seeing them. "I see the kids have finally caught on?" She asks.

"Not yet but we were hoping you could explain." Mom says willingly.

"So kids, I know this is a little hard to take in considering our situation but Noble's parents are past secret agents. They retired from their stations to raise you, Noble." She paused to take a slow breath then continued," But now you are in great danger."

"What do you mean great danger?" Witts asked, " Like all of us?"

"Yes all of us. In fact everyone in Query, Oklahoma is at risk." the woman continued, " Have you heard of The Alibi Nation Alert House, TANAH for short?"

" Well in my history class we learned about the TANAH sanctuary. But no one believed the teacher." answered Tara.

"Probably because she's crazy." Oli added, "I heard the school caught her carving TANAH into the school walls so they sent her to a insane asylum."

" Not true," dad blurts pointing at Oli," but she was captured."

"I knew he was on to us. I'll get you Captain Hook! If it's last thing I do!" Witts exclaimed.

"Uhhh. Ok, but she was captured by TANAH. And tons more people will be if we don't do anything...we need to save Query." mom tells us.

"Why us?" Questions Tara.

"Because we are the Strikes. And you are a big part in us. And if we want to win we need all the help we can get." Dad says.

"But you have to leave now." Instructs the lady from the box.

My dad and mom turn around to her with the most surprised yet sad faces."Just them?"mom asks.


"Right now?"

"Yes Agent Strike. They must leave now before we close the doors for good. Supply them with enough weapons to be able to lose some along the way."

"Um...ok." Mom says sadly. Then she turns around and hugs me. Tears rolling down her face as she steps back to grab supplies for us. Dad knels down to hug me, then speaks to us all, " There will be people out there. Stay away from all of them. Unless you know who they are. Take turns sleeping and guarding. If you go at a good pace you should be there in 80 hours. Noble, you know where the SAOQ building is. You'll lead the way. Just in case I have a map for you."

"What if they find us?" I ask trying hard to keep back the tears. As mom sets down four backpacks.

"Run." He insists. Then he stands up and motions us to go. But before we leave I run up to them and hug both with all my might.

"I love you."

"We love you too."

Then we all wave goodbye and start to walk away. "Wait!" Mom exclaims, " Tara, Witts, and Oli. You can't say goodbye to your parents."

"What! Why!" Cries Tara.

"They won't let you leave. And you'll be safer at SAOQ."

Tara, Witts, and Oli's eyes melt into sadness as we walk out my cream front door.


We were at time square taking naps when we heard a loud bang. Guns. Somebody was shooting a gun in a short green house about 10 meters away. Oli sprung up from his nap, Tara and Witts at his sides. All of us immediately started to run as fast as we could from the square.

After about 15 minutes of running west we thought he was far from gone. Or at least for a few seconds. Soon enough we heard the growl of a engine. Revving up the grassy hill behind us.

Witts turned around to look at what was coming, but was greeted by a bullet in his left shoulder. The pain sent him plummeting to the ground. Tara at his side to make sure he was okay.

When another bullet went past my head shredding my ear a little bit. Before I could think my instincts took over. My hand held my pistol in a perfect angle as I pulled the trigger. Exploding blood and brains covered the steering wheel and front window.

I never thought I would do something like this. You were protecting your friends ,I tell myself, It was for theirs and your safety. He could have killed us all. You saved us. But still I had doubt in my mind that I had really done the right thing.

"Whoa," Oli said, "that was... awesome!"

I turned around to find that they weren't mad, but they understood. They also knew that if I hadn't killed that guy we would probably all be lying dead in the grass. Forgiving smiles spread across our sweating faces.

So many questions flooded my head. Is this who we are know? Are we gonna be able to do this for 80 hours? Will we make it there? Is it gonna get harder? I was pretty sure we were gonna die that moment, but we saved each other. Not just I saved us. I probably wouldn't have shot that guy if Tara, Witts, and Oli werent here. I'd cower on the ground in my own self pity and die. They are me holding up myself.

Finally when I was done being selfish I remembered Witts. I turned around to find his face pale from the results of loosing blood. Even his eyes showed despair, they're bluey color fading into some sort of grey.

"We have to save him," Tara said desperately still holding up his heavy head, "He's the only brother i've ever had."

My mind still blank from earlier made no ideas. Earlier I would have done something great. But now all I can do is think he is gonna die and that's all. And I hate myself for it. But... what am I supposed to do.

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