Chapter 7

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Witts, Tara, and Oli ran trough the savanna following the muddy dog paws. Oli had me sitting limp in his arms, while my side ached from the wound and tight fabric covering it.  Abruptly Tara came to a halt and all we could hear was each others intense panting. 

"There's a town across this hill." Tara spoke with deep breaths in between syllables, "We could go there but it might be dangerous. There could be TANAH soldiers hiding out there."

"Worth the risk for clean clothes, food, and medical help. Isn't it?" Witts says. We all agree and start on out way down the hill. 

"I can walk." I say weakly.

"No you can't, your leg isn't strong enough to be walked on." Oli says.

"I want to walk." I confirm strongly.

"Fine but I am going to be right behind you. If you feel any pain just tell me. OK?"


Oli carefully gets me on my feet. I grab a loose branch from a near by tree as I stare into the dark town. Smoke erupts from chimneys and factories and covers the town in a grey musk. The smell creeps its way up the hill causing us to cover our noses and mouths with out t shirts. At the ash covered village we look desperately for people. Inside houses we see animals roaming around but no people. Witts picks up an old toboggan sled and carries it over to me. He sets it down in front of my feet while sweeping ashes and dust of the crack wood. I look at his dark brown eyes and he stares back. "Sit on it," he says, "we can pull you." I grab his one healthy shoulder and slowly push myself onto the toboggan. When Witts reaches for the rope Oli grabs his arm, "I got it." he says with a low tone but gentle face, "You need to rest the shoulder." Witts gives Oli a sad smile and continues looking for people. "This town is as dead as my Abuela Darcy." He scoffs. 

"Whats an abuela?" I ask.

"Our granny." Tara laughs.

"Oh." I say feeling stupid for asking. 

Tara keeps giggling every minute, she's probably thinking about something. Suddenly her laughter stops and shes dead silent. "Oh my god." Tara whispers, then louder,"OH MY GOD!" Witts runs over to her and yelps in surprise,"Why would they do this to them?" He cries. Oli drags me over and I see what they were talking about. Maybe 100's to 1000's of people are all laying in a dark concrete building. They all have stamps on their arms numbering them. 101 has his left arm strangled into strands of veins and muscles and skin. 234's eyes are smoked like a hot dog. 99 and 98 look like 14 year old twins, they have dry black blood all over their red faces, and their whole bodies look like they had been scratching their skin bare to the bone. The one thing they all have in common is all of their mouths are stitched closed. Almost as If TANAH didn't want to hear them scream, didn't want someone else to hear them scream, like someone who could help.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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