Chapter 2

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After a few minutes he started to move his hand in my direction. His pale face fell to me in the grass, as his big grey puppy dog eyes stared into my soul. I was pretty sure he was already dead when his chest stopped going up and down in a steady motion, but I felt his cold hand squeeze mine.

The beautiful sunset didn't even make this seem any better. Was my best friend actually gonna die right here in my hands were I thought I couldn't do anything to help him? This question haunted me.

Right before I saw his eyes flicker over to Tara I got an idea. The guy in the truck must of had some sort of first aid kit with him. I mean he was going around shooting people would he not have thought we would fight back.

"There has to be a first aid kit in that guy's truck, right?" I ask them pointing to the dead man in the rusty white truck.

"Oh my god. I saw a broke down ambulance while we were running here." Oli mentioned.

Even though it was helpful I gave him a cold hard stare for about a half a second then I said, "You could have mentioned it when Witts wasn't almost half dead."

"I didn't think of it then."

"Come on guys Witts is dying!" Tara shouted.

At the white truck there was a first aid kit with some bandaids and a bandage but not much to help. We wrapped the bandage tightly around Witts' shoulder. He winced as it got tighter, but he knew that we had to do it to stop the bleeding more.


The ambulance was at least a mile away. Witts could barely walk. So Oli and I carried him as Tara looked out for TANAH solders.

At the ambulance we found a old man sleeping in the back. He was dressed in all white and had a doctors mask on. So we figured he could help us.

"Excuse me sir." Tara said desperately. His eyes opened quickly with alarm and he sprung up to his feet.

The mans big blue eyes were filled with terror. Tara's filled with desperation, "Excuse me sir is this your ambulance."

"Sí, esta es mi ambulancia. ¿Por qué lo preguntas?" responded the old man.

"Necesito ayuda." said Witts his voice frail and weak.

"Este es mi hermano Witts recibió un disparo en el hombro hace unos quince minutos. Puedes ayudarnos. También usted habla Inglés?" added Tara.

"No hablo Inglés, pero puedo ayudar a su amigo."


"What did you say to him?" I asked Tara

"Lots of stuff. He only speaks spanish but he said he can help Witts." said Tara.


After about an hour the man, Mateo, wrapped Witts arm in cloth, Put gaws in the wound, and made sure he was not going to die. I kind of doubted him, but he seemed to know what he was doing.

Witts was still a little weak so Mateo pulled out a grey and blue stretcher and lay Witts on it. As Tara and Oli held it up making me the only one to defend us we kept going on.


A few miles out we saw a small brown animal lying what we thought was dead. Tara asked if we could take a look at it, "Maybe it's a person." she said desperately.

Being that I couldn't resist more help. We wandered over there not thinking that it might be someone to kill us.

It turns out that the brown animal was actually a dog. It had on a blue collar, Link was its name. Link was a big brown and white husky. He was still breathing steadily. It turns out that he was just sleeping.

When Tara set her soft hand on Link's beautiful smooth fur he sprung to life. His eyes were to different colors, one golden the other silver. One of his ears had a big cut the trough the middle left. And his big bulky paws were covered in dirt and blood. Every breath he took he stepped a little forward.

Witts' arm slowly dropped of the stretcher. Startling us but not Link. Link slowly approached Witts then nudged his arm back onto the stretcher with his wet nose. He then snuggled up under the stretcher and hoisted it up into the cold air.

I finally noticed the small red cross on his collar. He is a blind eye seeing dog. That is why he is helping Witts. I was glad he was helping us but I couldn't help but wonder, where is Link's master? Did he get shot? Was Link lost? Would it be a crime if we took him? I didn't know but Link is not a dumb dog, if he still has a master he would be looking for him. Wouldn't he?

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