Chapter 5

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We woke up to a blaring siren. I checked the small white clock on the nightstand to my left 5 a.m. Why the heck would they wake us up at 5a.m? I got up to find a small boned pale boy lying dead on the ground in front of my door. His golden hair was soaked in blood.

The guards crowded into the hallway and I heard the loud lock of our glass doors. A metal screen covered the door so no one could see out. I jumped at the sound of screams and yells for help. It was the boy, I could feel it in my bones.

The only thing I could think of was getting out and helping him. What are they doing to him?


When the metal door were gone I saw every person step out of their dorms, including the boy that was supposedly dead. At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me but I knew his golden hair, skinny bones, and pale skin. I knew who that was, "Jace?"

He turned surprised to see me. His face lit with fear when our eyes met.

Jace and I were best friend in middle school. Back then he was a strong hockey player and now he's small and pale. He came over in a hurry, "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know I just ended up here I guess." I mean I guess that kind of was the truth except the fact that i knew we had ran here to escape the TANAH. But I mean what harm could a little white lie do?

"Do you know who brought you here? Was it TANAH? Did you come alone?"

"I got here with Tara, Witts, and Oli. Why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not acting weird you're acting weird." His eyes flickered from one side of the room to the other in terror. He made motions and his feeling expressed fear. It almost looked like he was waiting for someone to jump out and attack him.

"Are you alright?" I asked, "I thought I saw you laying dead on the floor outside my room."

"I'm not alright! None of us are alright! We're all in danger!" he was yelling now and everyone was staring at us,"We're all going to die here! Just you wait!"

Right after he said that green mist came floating down from the ceiling making it hard to see. Guards with air masks came in and started pulling Jace away. "No!" I tried to say but at that moment my eyes got weary and I couldn't feel my body. I felt myself slide to the floor and hit the ground with a startling tump. Then it all went dark.


I awoke in a boot. I stared at it suprised that I had even hurt my foot. When I fell I must have landed wrong and twisted my ankle or something. I slumped out of bed then the pain really hit me. Not the pain of my foot the pain that one of my friends was just taken, and I have no idea where to.

With that thought I immediately thought of my other friends. "Tara?" I said.

"Yes?" she responded.

"Where are you?"

"My room. Where are you?"

"It sounds like you're outside my room."

"I'm not though."

"Hmmmm, weird."

I reached over the edge of my dresser to find a small button. Having curiosity i pressed it. A wall slid down on my side of the room. It almost looked real but I knew it wasn't. Tara had appeared on my right side wall and she seemed to be looking right at me.

"Can you see me too?" She asked.

"Yeah. This is really weird."

Then all a sudden I heard someone screaming. And it appeared as they were screaming my name. As I listened more closely I knew who it was. Jace.

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