Chapter 4

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I woke up in a small room that was so white it hurt my eyes to look around. Witts, Tara, and Oli were nowhere to be seen. But there was a yellow desk and a huge flat screen tv. Also some coloring books and a computer sat perfectly organised at the desk. A big bean bag chair in the color... yellow. What is up with these people and bright colors? I thought. Am I at the SAOQ sanctuary? Where are my friends? This place is nicer than I thought. What happens when the bomb exploded? Was it TANAH or was I just dreaming? My head flooded with questions. It bothered me that I had no way to get out of here.

Then I felt fait strike me in the back of my head. I could hear Oli talking to Tara and Witts in the background. But above their voices was a loud buzzing sound. It hurts my ears and I just wanted to cut of my ears. I couldn't tell if it was just me or if everyone else could hear it too.

"Oli?" I said.

"Noble?" he said back.

"Are you ok?" asked Tara.

"I'm fine but I hear this loud buzzing noise and it's driving me crazy."

"Oh yeah that's the saw chains in the other room." Witts told me casually.

"What?! Why is there a chain saw?!"

"For the trees."

"I don't see any trees."

"Thats right you haven't been outside yet."

"Yeah it's so beautiful you have to see it." Tara says.

I see their doors open and they come down the hallway filled with beautiful paintings. I finally take my first steps since the bomb. My leg aches in pain but I can't tell if it was from the bomb or just sore after running. The glass door opens as light as a feather. I was confused by the glass doors because what if someone attacked? How would we be safe?

Oli, Tara, and Witts were already walking to a huge metal door motioning me along. Tara opened the door and I saw all of the beautiful things they were talking about. It was like stepping into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory without all the candy and chocolate.

The sun shined so bright it made the pink and yellow flowers bloom so happily. The crystal clear waters made two waterfalls to the left and right. Orange fish swam through the water eating krill and shrimp. The oak trees were filled with light and water, so healthy they could live 5000 years maybe even more. Beyond the magical waterfalls fell a huge cliff plummeting into a white town of tall buildings and loads of people.

"Come on Noble this is the best part." Witts told me.

Accepting their request I followed them to an elevator made of pure shiny glass. Oli pressed a button that said 300 and when I figured we were going up it turns out that brought us down. We flew past houses and shops, people and animals, and every cool room you could think of. Until we hit the bottom with a giant bump.

The big glass doors opened and Tara walked out, "Here it is, isn't it beautiful?"

Other than all the pasteled dressed people it was beautiful. The sun was just setting over the tall white buildings making a hazy pink and orange sunset. The buildings had large tinted blue windows as clean as fresh ice. Flocks of doves and blue jays flew around the trees and sky returning to their young. The oak trees stretched high through the breeze. As the leaves floated down in colors of red, orange, and yellow symbolizing the beginning of fall. A leaf landed on my foot sending me back to reality.

"Yeah." I said.

"Lets go its getting dark." Witts says.

We go along the town doing anything a teenager could imagine. I was having fun but I had a feeling that made me sick. Something was off but I couldn't tell what.

After about an hour of shopping, looking around, and touring the town we returned back. I won't call it home yet. Maybe never. Yes they considered it their home, but, I just felt like something was wrong. Maybe that it wasn't the SAOQ sanctuary. But if it wasn't, wouldn't we already be dead?

Noble Strikes.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ