Chapter 6

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Tara was trying to say something but I was stunned to hear he wasn't dead. I looked out the glass door to see he was standing in front of my door, blood dribbling down his sweaty forehead. He looked me straight in the eyes and said ," You not safe here, you're not safe anywhere. Get out of here Nobel. I have faith in you. Just make sure not to-"

It felt like it hit my heart but instead it hit his. A bullet went straight through his heart. His mouth filled with blood and his lifeless body slammed into my glass door as his legs wobbled down like jelly.


I am too shook to stand or even sit up from off the cold grey floor. Just an hour ago I watched as the guards drag Jace's body back through the hospital like doors. The doors he burst through. The doors he entered knowing he would lose his life. The doors he entered for me. The doors that had just opened because of two men dressed in white doctors suits. They walked with pride to my door and asked me to stand up. When I didn't do as asked they just came in and hoisted me up holding both my arms. My feet moved even though I told them to. As they dragged me toward those doors I remembered what Jace had said, "You're not safe here, You're not safe anywhere. Get out of here." And It was at the moment that I pulled away and ran the opposite direction. Behind me I heard one man yell for me to stop while the other unbuckled something in his belt. I heard a loud bang like smalling screen doors when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked at my right hip to see thick red blood spewing down my leg. I continued to half run half limp my way to a set of beautiful blue doors that had a sign saying do not enter on them. As my fingers touched the soft paint coat of baby blue my legs dropped to the ground, my head hitting the handle and everything went blurry and muffled. Laying there limp on the floor I saw myself, in heaven maybe, somewhere bright with a glimmer in the air. Crystal clear rivers rode down and slow slope guiding the bright green grass along. A cloud came from behind me and swooped me off the ground. A warmness rushed through my body almost as if I had been wrapped in a blanket. The cloud glided along the horizon until it reached a house surrounded by trees. Flowers bloomed around where it had laid me down and the woods came to life. Three trees towered over me, wind blew against my face.

A tree spoke to me saying with a sound of worry in its voice, "Noble? Are you okay Noble?"

Another one, one shorter and higher pitched," C'mon Noble. Wake up, Please."

The sharp pain in my side became noticeable and I opened my eyes gasping for air. Tara, Oli, and Witts stood over me. I tried reaching out to Oli but my arm fell on top of me. It was white and weak, my lungs hurt every time I took in more air. I hadn't been breathing? Was I dead? No, because I could hear everything they were saying. Tara had stained black tears rolling down her round face and Witts looked as if his dog had died. Oli stood in shock and suddenly a smile spread across his face.

"You're OK." He said.

"I think so."

"Who was that boy? In Front of your door?" Oli asked insecurely.


"How do you know him?"

I was too tired to answer him so I just moved my hand over in his direction. Somehow he understood. He knelt down to my side and stayed there for a moment we just looked at each other. Tara and Witts were standing over by a Oak tree to be in the shade. His hand caressed my face, wiping some blood of my forehead. His dark brown eyes looked so fake in that moment. Beautiful shades of hazel and coffee, cocoa and nuts. His puppies dark night moons with stars of green surrounding them. I felt like I was floating in space the only people there were me and Oli. No sound but our breathing. Venus and Saturn looked like small marbles, as we stood on Saturn's rings just slowly turning, dancing, glowing, rushing, slamming-"Get back in here!"

Three of the security guards came out in full body suits of green. They started two went after Tara and Witts and the other dashed in our direction. Oli swung me of the ground like a puppy and started running toward Witts. His hand covered my bullet wound like a warm bandage. Once we got about a half mile away from the building the men stopped trying and left. Deep down I just knew one had said, "It's not worth it, they'll die anyways."

We walked another half mile then took a stop by a huge birch tree by a pond. Oli ripped a piece of fabric from is over shirt grabbed some bandage from the first-aid kit we took walked over the the pont dipped the bandage in water came back to me and sat down. He held the bandage on wound for a minute then removed it and wrapped the fabric tightly around my waist.

As it got darker Witts started pulling leaves and bark from the trees. He handed me and Tara some leaves and Oli some bark while he searched for something to lead us somewhere. Tara sits in the tree leaning on a branch behind her, Oli and I sit at the bottom near the trunk. Although he may look like an idiot walking around staring at the grass but Witts is secretly a 15 year old ginuess. He's going to be the one of us four who figures out the only possible way of us surviving. If there is a way.

My eyes were getting droopy and my head slowy fell onto Oli's shoulder. He seamed to freeze up, almost as if he thought that if he moved a would shy away. I grabbed is hand with mine and looked at him, he turned his head toward mine and stared into my eyes. Every so slightly his body relaxed and the corners of his lips curved upward sightly.

After a minute or two he turn back toward the sunset, " Right now I just want to concentrate on survival. You make it so hard to keep it that way. When I look at you I my heart skips a beat, everytime you know," he pauses and looks at me, " But I know that my chance of survival would be 50% harder with out you. There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while, my mom and dad we're fighting before we left. They were fighting about me. Dad wanted to take me to a boarding school in Seattle after their devorce. He thought mom had convinced me to tell him I wanted to stay with her. Before he left I walked around the halway corner and I saw him slap her. She had a bruise for the next three days. She never told him she has cancer. I never told him either. He's going to start drinking again, Noble." I saw a tear run down his cheek. I wanted to tell him that his dad might come back someday, but I knew it wasn't true. Oli's dad, Jeff, used to be a really nice guy when we were about 4 but a few days after Oli's 5th birthday Jeff's sister got in a car accedent and went into a coma. They were one of those siblings that didn't fight much, the ones who spent a lot of time together, like Tara and Witts. When she didnt wake up two years after the accendent Jeff started drinking and staying out until 2am almost every day. He was always cranky durring the day because he had barley gotten any sleep. Oli would come to school with bruises on his face and arms. He had scars the size of rulers all over his chest and back. In 6th grade Oli came to my house and asked if he could stay there for a while. He ended up staying with us for 3 months before he went back to his house. While he stayed with us he told me all about what was happening at his house. It took until 8th grade for his dad to get into a program for alcoholics. During that year Jeff's sister awoke, but with really bad short term memory loss. Oli still loves his dad, even though Jeff hit him and hurt him.

Witt's yelling snapped me back into reality, "There's huge dog prints this way, or atleast there used to be, the rain must have washed them away."

"How do you know there from a dog?" Tara asked.

"Because this collar was buried in the sand next to them." He said holding up a blue collar with a red cross on it.

"Oh my gosh! Thats Link's!" Tara shouted.

Noble Strikes.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant