Continuation of the trip.

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10Ks POV
It'd been years since I had killed Michelle,it'd also been a couple years since we lost Murphy,addy and Lucy also split up from us "have you guys seen red?" I asked the Sargent "no,she ran off" "WHAT?!?!" "Calm down! She said she just needed to grab more supplies from your little house" "how longs she been gone for?" "Well guessing by the sun,around an hour" "an hour? And nobody told me?" I shook my head and sighed as I swung my gun behind my back "I'll be back" "boy,if you don't want to die stay here" "give me an hour?" "Alright,but if you don't get back before an hour" "got it" I said walking out.

I walked through the woods and started screaming out to Red but nothing "I better start heading b-" I heard a familiar scream "RED!" I screamed as I ran towards the scream.

I ran to where the scream came from and saw Red surrounded by Zs "shit" I said as I ran back to the base.

"Guys! I need your help!" I screamed standing in the field "what?" "I found red but we're gonna need a hell of a lot bullets" "give up she's dead" "not yet,COME ON LETS GO!" I said running as I heard their footsteps behind me.

We stopped and saw Red still trying to fight back on them "no,we are NOT wasting our bullets on love" I rolled my eyes and started firing "ARE YOU INSANE KID?!" He said as the zombies started paying attention to us instead of Red,thankfully "help me or I'll die" I saw Doc nod and grab a gun from the Sargeant and Lilly "do you even know how to operate one of these things?!" "I've seen the kid do it,I'm sure I can too" he said,firing along with me "this is the time I would want Murphy with us" Doc said as we all started slowly walking backwards and shooting "I'm running out kid!" "Just hold on!" I said as I swung my gun back around and ran back as far as I could,still having a view and started sling shotting rocks and anything I could find around me.

We all sat down after all the zombies were killed "Tommy!" "Red!" I said getting up and running to her,giving her a hug "thank you" "your welcome,let's go to the safe zone" she nodded and we all went back to the safe zone.

Whilst we all sat and looked around,watching out for any Zs I heard people arguing "I'll be back" I said giving Red a kiss on the cheek and walking out "hey guys,what's going on?" "Sarge wants to leave" "if we don't leave now! We will either run out of food and starve to death or the Zs will come and eat us" "if you leave,you have a higher chance of getting eaten,didn't you see how bad of a situation Red was in?" I said looking back at Red and smiling,she smiled back "I'm leaving,you coming sargeant lilly?" She nodded "good luck,if anything happens come back" "yes sir" was the last thing I heard from her for the past hour.

I sat bored in the tent,then my mind started wondering "if I could change anything about now,what would it be?"  I sighed "if I could change anything,it would be to find Murphy and the others" I said smiling "hey" I heard a voice say behind me "hey" I said as I saw Red sitting next to me "do you know about the new America?" "Yes,I'm hoping Murphys there" "if we find him,we should lock him to someone with handcuffs" "I'm sure him being so IMMORTAL means he can just get out of anything with Zs" "yeah true" "guys! We really need you out here!" We heard Doc yell in fear.

We walked out of the tent and saw that the Sarge had come back "huh? What's he doing-" I looked at him up and down and saw that he wasn't himself,but a Z! "Let me do it" Lilly said as she ran up to him and started shooting his head with a shotgun,half his brain gone then his leg "I give you mercy" Lilly said as she bashed his head in with the back of the gun "we should get outta here" "we can't walk to New America" "I'm sure we'll find a car along the way,right 10K?" "But Doc-" "cmon kid! Don't do me like that!" I sighed and nodded my head "let's go then" we all grabbed our stuff and started leaving "wait! Do we have enough resources?" Lilly started telling us how many individual bullets we had for guns and our weapons "okay good" "now let's get going" Lilly said in a rush "you should carry a bag" Red said helpfully "okay" I said grabbing a bag off Lilly's back "thanks Tommy" she said as I smiled and continued walking with Red "can I?" She asked as she held my hand,I shook it off "sorry,it's just that by the end of the trip my hand and your hand will be sweaty and it just won't be nice" I said smiling "true" she said understandingly.

Half way up the hill I saw a truck "a truck? Am I hallucinating? Anyone else see this?" I said ready to run up to the truck "no kid,I see it too,should go check it out" Lilly said "10K and me will go check it out,check if it's safe or not first" red said as she nodded at everyone "if it's safe I'll give you a signal" "gotcha" Lilly said with approval,I nodded and ran up to the truck "no fricking way!" I said as I saw...

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