Following the feeling

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Although we were so close to being at New America we had to change ways "guys,I can't handle it anymore" "its best if she follows the feeling guys,if she doesn't it won't go away" "it could be a warning about the end of the world? What did you say happens in your visions?" "I'm near a black rainbow,it's in my view starts raining" "it's like acid rain?" Lucy asked,Warren shook her head "the rain is black and it burns,I'm on fire and most of the area around me is on fire" Warren said as she was spaced out again "hey come back to us!" I said "if you want to follow the feeling,you have to tell us which ways to go" "it's best to go on foot" Warren said nodding as we stopped the car "okay" we all got out of the car and grabbed our most needed supplies.

As we were walking my mind started wondering back to when Michelle was alive,she was beautiful and she was so helpful....why'd I have to kill her you ask? She turned Z and it was the worst thing in my life I had to do,next to killing my father. Two people I loved dearly. I had to kill. This world called the "apocalypse" isn't fair. None of it is. "Hey kid,you okay? You seem to be in deep thought" Doc said,snapping me out of it "yeah,I'm okay just thinking about why they think New America is so good" I looked over at him "I mean the old America was pretty much the worst place you could live in" I said laughing "it's good to see you laughing kid,let's hope we find Red or Murphy soon huh?" "Yeah hopefully" "hey Warren,has that feeling gotten any stronger?" I asked curious as to how much further it could possibly be.

It felt like we had walked for hours upon hours,it felt like we were getting no where until we saw a huge tanker truck out of no where on the road "should we go check it out?" Doc asked "maybe there's something in there we can use" Lucy said smiling as she skipped up to the truck "wait Lucy,let me check it out" I said as I walked up to the truck "let me be your backup" Warren asked and I nodded "on three." I grabbed the handle "one." I slowly lifted it up "two." I threw the whole door up as fast as I could "three!" We looked in and saw what looked like Zs but were humans as they started running out of the truck and grabbing our bags "HEY! YOU CANT DO THAT!" Doc yelled.

We all started trying to fight off the Human Zs.kicking,punching,karate chopping (XD) to keep our bags with us but we failed,they ran away with all our supplies "anyone got anything left? Maybe in your pockets?" "In the truck we have more supplies but their probably all gone now too" Doc complained "know those kind of people,they could've been to the truck already" "true dat" Warren said "I'm not walking all the way back there,it's bad enough we're not going to New America and instead are just following around Warren because of her feeling about the back rainbow" "hey! You were in on it too Lucy,especially with this decision" I explained "I know but Addy promised she would meet me at New America..." "can you choose between Addy and Warren?" "With addy it was a promise but with Warren,I feel more,I feel if we don't follow her the world could be slower to end." "So your saying once we get to wherever this place is,we'll all die" "a slow and painful death,yes possibly" we all stopped "we don't have any supplies" "we can't go back" I said to Doc "but we'll die without some supplies" "we should find some on the way hopefully" "guys we just need to keep walking,it shouldn't be too far now" "right" I said nodding as we continued on our journey.

We stopped in a car yard "find whatever you can" "anything useful?" "Anything just find something" we all nodded "I'll go with Doc,Lucy you go with Warren and Lilly" we all nodded and split up.

Lucy's POV
I followed Warren and kept looking around for things that could be useful to us,I unfortunately got distracted by a Z that had caught my attention which was stuck in a car,it kept speaking to me,asking me to free it "Lilly! You gotta help me!" I said as I saw Lilly following Warren "what now Lucy?" "She wants me to free her" "what do you mean?" "What do you think I mean? She wants out of this contraption" I said trying to free it "LUCY WAIT!" Lilly said as I was about to pull her out "she's trapped" "I know so help me!" "No I mean she's trapped,look" Lilly said as she pulled me to the back of the car to have a view of the inside "there's no way we can get her out" "no! You said you've defused a bomb before! Can't you do the same for her?" "She'll bite me! Then I'll become one!" "Please! Just try and help her!" "Lucy forget it,now let's go" Lilly said as she dragged me to the direction Warren went in.

10Ks POV
We looked around and I saw a Zombie walking up to me,I grabbed my gun but froze "10K,you okay?" I heard the Zombie ask as it started to look like Michelle "10K,what are you doing? I'm here! I'm alive!" The Z said,in a panic as I lifted my gun up and aimed "10K NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! PUT THE GUN DOWN!" I shot at the Z and started crying "10K what's gotten into you?"

Controlled or human?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon