The Smoke

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We were walking into an abandoned town when we got blasted with smoke that filled our lungs "look!" I coughed "over there!" I said pointing to suits that had Zs in them "we can use them to keep ourselves from it killing us" I said as I shot the head of the Z and grabbed the suit,putting it on. Everyone else followed suit. (Get it? XD followed suit?)

We all had our suits on and slowly got through the smoke carefully "Doc! You there?" I said as I saw that everyone was split up "no,it's me" Michelle's voice said as I saw her through the smoke "follow me! I'll help you!" I nodded and followed her through it "wait,your alive? I thought I killed you!" "No,Murphy saved me!" "He what?!" "He saved me,before you guys left he bit me and told me that I was going to live,to meet him in New America" "then why are you here? How are you here? Where's Murphy?" I felt her hands touch my face "I'll answer those later just follow me" she said with a smile as she grabbed my hand and ran me through the smoke.

I saw a barber shop and walked in with Michelle,although I thought I had "Michelle!" I yelled as she was beside or behind me "who you yelling out to kid?" It was Docs friends "Didn't you see a girl behind me?" "Nope,you came in yourself son" I was shocked "now would you like a haircut?" I shook my head and laughed not if it's you two giving me the cut" I said laughing as I sat next to them.

Lucy's POV
I walked around in the smoke,trying to connect to Warren during so I could know if she was safe or not and I could find her easy. I couldn't see nor hear her at all "WARREN!" I yelled trying to get her attention if she was around,but nothing.

I walked one direction,the direction we were walking in in the first place "WARREN!" I yelled trying to find a way out,then I started sensing something,I'm not sure whether it was a Z or Warren. I usually can tell the difference between a Z and Warren,due to her visions but this makes me more certain that it's a Z and maybe I can control it to get to Warren or out of this deathly smoke.

I kept wondering around,the smoke was getting thinner and I could breathe clearer till I saw the Z I had been asking for help,I gave it a hug and smiled "thank you!" I said walking away and I stayed still in that one spot waiting for anyone to come out my way,i got bored and looked around,I was on a road but I looked in front of me at the smoke and saw two figures coming out.

Lillys POV
I listened to where the wind was coming from and tried to see how much in the distance the smoke was,whether it was thicker or slightly thinner. I looked in all directions and saw the smoke being slightly thinner to my left so I started walking that direction. I saw a figure in the distance "hello? Who's there?" I asked but I listened further,I laughed "a Z how fun!" I said as I shot it "bye bye!" I said continuing to walk.

The smoke was thinner and I started seeing a shop,I tried to read the name but the smoke was too thick above me so I continued to walk enough until I could finally read the shops title "a barber? I don't think I need a cut but if it keeps me safe till the smoke disappears,I'll hang here" I walked up the steps and into the shop.

"Welcome great lady,what's your name?" I saw a barber talking to his client and two other guys in the waiting seats and "Tommy?" "Sargeant! Sit!" I nodded and sat down next to Tommy "hey? You like?" A man said,showing me his face "seriously?" I said laughing as I saw his face have shaved.

Docs POV
I tried to find an exit from the smoke,I kept running into Zs "how many more of the things am I gonna have to kill to get outta here?" I asked as I kept killing them and fighting them off "it would be real nice to have Lucy around,she could control em!" I sighed "if I'm in here any longer I think I'll die" I said walking as fast as I could and being prepared to kill any other Z I run into.

I saw the smoke getting thinner in view "that better be an exit!" I said as I walked further and further into the thinning smoke "a shop? All this lead me to was a shop? You've gotta be kidding me!" I said as I looked at the name "a barber shop? This could be good,I need a trim" I walked up the steps and walked in.

Warrens POV
I heard 10K yell "Michelle!" And went straight to the direction I heard his voice come from "has he gone crazy?" I asked myself,I saw a guy in the distance "Doc?" "Murphy?" I yelled out but nothing "follow me" the man said.

I kept following the man for what felt like hours but soon I noticed that the smoke was getting thinner and thinner and I had found an exit by following him until I saw a shadow through the smoke,not his shadow but,I'd seen the shadows form before "prepare your gun,just in case" I nodded and grabbed my gun,aiming it towards the shadow/form.

I got out of the smoke,the man had disappeared "who is it? Say your name or I'll shoot!" I walked closer "it's me Lucy!" She said scared with her hands up,scared "oh my god,Lucy! You scared me half to death!" "Sorry" she said giggling "have you seen the others?" "no,not yet,maybe they found a different exit" "what are we going to do till the smoke clears?" "I'm not sure but we'll have to wait and let them find us" I nodded and we waited.

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