The truck

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"No freaking way!" I said as I saw Warren,Doc and Lucy "10K!" Warren said smiling as she got out of the truck "Hey! It's the kid!" Doc said coming out and giving me a hug along with Warren "hey Lucy" I said as she was sat in the truck "wait,weren't you-" "it's a crazy unexplainable world out here in the apocalypse" Doc said,I nodded and smiled "it's great to see you Lucy" "whatever" she said "who's your crew?" Warren said as she saw everyone behind me "this is Red" "I know,who is she though?" Warren said,pointing to "Sargent Lilly" "ah,hi I'm Warren,ex-state security national guard" Lilly saluted "nice to meet you" "you too,now let's all get in the truck and go to New America" "your heading there too?" "Yeah sure,it's the only place we can think to find Murphy" "Lucy,why aren't you with him?" "The last I saw him was when I was in New America" Warren said "the only reason I'm not with him is because I've been stuck with Addy this whole time,now I don't know where she is" Lucy looked up at Warren "I don't now whether she's alive or dead" "we'll find her soon,hopefully" "don't give up" I said as we all got in the back of the truck "okay" Warren started up the car and started driving.

Warren stopped the car for a little while "you okay?" I asked as she was spaced out "don't worry,it only lasts a couple minutes usually" "okay,but why? What's happening?" "She's having a vision" "of what?" "I don't know,some black rainbow thing" Lucy said "do you have some kind of connection to Warren?" "Most of the time,when I'm around her I feel Danger and I don't know how to help her" "well she has Blonde hair now" "so she's being controlled?" "From the bullet that first went through Murphy and through her,it wouldn't surprise me if she had some kind of connection to him" "I've been having these visions ever since" Warren said,finally coming back to life "will it stop if we follow your feelings of the black rainbow or not?" "Dunno,we've never tried" "once we reach new America and find Murphy then we can go towards it" "okay but wouldn't it be safer if one of the others drove,in case you keep having these visions?" Warren looked back at me "it'll take longer if you drive because we'll keep having to stop" Warren understood and nodded her head "Sargent I trust you to take care of the truck" "thank you" Warren came to the passenger seat and Lilly took the wheel.

I looked around at the scenery then at Lucy "you've grown up a lot Lucy" "yeah so?" "She's grown an attitude as well,be careful,she will bite" Doc said laughing as he got hit on the arm by Lucy "I'm kidding" he leaned in and whispered in my ear "not really" I laughed and looked over at Red "hey,you okay up there?" I asked as I saw her focusing on something as hard as she could "there's so many Zs up ahead" "there's gotta be some way around it,right?" "I'm looking" I stood up and stood next to her,shooting the Zs as exact as I could to try and clear a pathway at least "everybody in the truck" "we can't all fit!" Doc said "well we can try" "Red,get in" I said as I opened the window to let her in "no" she said as she got up off the truck and stood there shooting "Red,what are you doing?" "Just keep going,I'll catch up" "there's no way I'm leaving you behind" "please Tommy,just go!" "No! I'm not leaving you behind" "let me clear a pathway for the truck,I'll catch up soon.Go!" She said as Lilly kept driving.

I watched as a pathway was slowly made by Red,although she was still far,far back "Lilly stop!" I said as I saw the truck go through the zombie maze "if we stop Tommy,we'll die!" "But,what about Red?!" "She said she would catch up" I shook my head "look if you want,we can-" I looked behind me "no,I can't see her! Stop!" I said as I jumped off the truck and grabbed my gun,shooting at the Zs as I ran through them "your crazy kid!" I heard Doc yell "RED!" I yelled as I didn't see her behind the Zs "RED!" I listened in as much as I could "TOMMY!" I heard her yell from inside the Zombie maze "RED!" I said as I ran back to the Zs,staying as far as I could until I could see her Red coat "RED!" I said as I grabbed her arm and ran with her to the truck "TOMMY LOOK AT HER!" Doc yelled as I looked back "OH MY GOD!" I yelled as I saw that it wasn't her,but a Z. I shot it in the head and continued running to the truck "LILLY STOP!" I yelled as she kept driving.

When she finally stopped,I caught up and jumped on the back "okay go Lilly!" I said as I looked back at the Zs "it's okay kid,she's strong" "I know she is but-" "she can handle herself,she wouldn't let anything get her" I sighed and nodded "okay,look I just want to find Murphy and hopefully meet up with Red sometime" everyone nodded and we continued driving off into the distance.

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