Harry Styles and the Outcast Chapter 1. Locked Out

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Zoeys POV

Chapter 1.  Locked Out

I walked out of English my last class.  It ended at 5:30 and I knew the Clique girl's last class ended at 5:35 so really I had five minutes to haul ass back to my dorm.  In case you were wondering the Clique is the name of the 6 hottest girls in the school.  Their leader is Maya Tran.  She is tall with black hair and dark blue eyes.  She wears the most expensive, and the sluttiest clothes. I am pretty sure she's slept with all of her guy teachers. That's why she has straight A's most likely.  Her two best friends are Tara Black and Jasmine Black they are blonde twins and complete bimbos.  The rest of the crew is the called the Clique's "tag alongs".  They all come in 4th, 5th, and 6th hottest.  That's the only reason they are allowed within the 15 foot radius of the Clique. 

Me, on the other hand, I'm a complete outcast.  My mom owns one of those second hand stores so really I wear a bunch of second second hand clothing.  My hair is always a straight red.  And my lack of makeup only broadcasts my bland features.  Those would be my huge lips, that for the record have never been kissed.  They also include my grey eyes that don't go well with a single shade of eye shadow.  Finally I am a grade A nerd.  I read for fun.  I don't go to college campus parties, and I don't put out. 

The Clique sees all those things about me as a way to taunt me.  Their main goal is to take me down every time they see my confidence' o meter rise one one millionth of a millimeter.  Once they posted fake pictures of me naked all over the school website.  They also gave me the usual swirlie which sounds cliche but they actually suck, bad! They also sent the whole football team to my bed room one night and had them carry me to the pool party and throw me in, in my pyjamas.  I cried for hours after that.  So that is when I decided to learn their schedule, so I could get away no matter what, lock my dorm door, and pay extra every year to have no room mate that they could use against me.  They once hacked into the system and sent their number 6 in dressed as a nerd and had her pretend to be Donna Dirschuweit who pretend to be my best friend to get embarrassing information out of me! Her real name is Sarah Hyland beautiful brunette, but as Donna she was a clunky mouse brown haired girl with glasses that held circles as big as the sun and allergies worse than my mom, and that's saying something!!

So I had 3 minutes now and I was 4 minutes away so I started running for dear life when my path was blocked by the twins.

"Uh, hi Tara, hi Jasmine.  I thought your guy's class didn't get out for another 3 minutes?" I said trying to mask my fear.

"Let's just say that Maya "convinced" Mr. Walker to stop class right on time with your schedule so we could, you know, hangout a little bit." Just then Maya walked out of the school.  Her hair mussed, but still perfect.  Her cashmere sweater was unbuttoned at the top and her black lace bra slightly hanging out. Mr. Walker also came out after her carrying a scarf. 

"Maya, Maya! You forgot your scarf." She went up to him and took it.  Then she kissed him on the lips for 3 whole minutes! Said thank you and came back to continue my torture. 

"Oh Zoey, Zoey, Zoey.  You're so stupid to believe that you could figure out our schedule to get rid of us.  Sadly, you were mistaken.  And I don't understand why you would want to anyway we have so much... fun together anyway don't we?"

"Uh, yeah totally.  But I have to get back you know? Study up."

"That's not what we had in plan she said." I am guessing that was the cue for the other 3 girls as they waltzed out. 

"Hey Maya we got the keys to the gate." Sarah said smirking.

"Thanks girls. Now lift her."  I started to back away when they caught my arm with their perfectly manicured smooth hands and hoisted me up.  Maya lead the way to the main gate and they threw me out on the sidewalk shutting the gate and locking it.

"Wait guys you don't want to do this!" I staggered up feeling a sharp pain stabbing my ankle where I had landed on it on the ground. 

"Well you see Zoey there was something we wanted to talk to you about.  The band One Direction came here earlier today. They wanted to go to college a little while since Liam Payne is having surgery and is out for a year! And well you were so consumed in your loser book that you didn't notice.  And I talked to Niall Horan.  Sweet guy cutest Irish accent.  Zayn Malik was also a sexy brit and well you Know Harry Styles has it going on. Louis Tomlinson came too.  Super sexy, wish there wasn't a girl friend in the picture. So anyway, I told them I would rid them of all the bad views here in L.A. and well you're the only bad view.  So I rid them of you.  Consider it  a favor I stopped you from being embarrassed. Well it was nice chatting with you."  And with that they walked away.

I sat on the sidewalk knowing no one was going to come for me because well, I have no friends.  I buried my face in my hands and watched as the sun started to go down and I remembered I had my iPod.  My cell phone however was left in my room today because it hadn't charged last night! Just my luck I guess. I looked at my iPod an it was 7:30.  The final classes were ending and everyone would be heading off to their dorm. 

That's when I remembered my favorite book was in my knock off coat pocket.  I grabbed it and started reading.  I was completely engrossed so I didn't realize there was someone behind me unlocking the gate.  Footsteps appeared next to me and I am pretty sure a british voice just thanked the janitor.  However, I still didn't look up.  That was until my book was snapped shut and I was forced back into my depressing reality.  All the light I had right now were the campus lights that stayed on 24/7 and the iPod light I was using.  I snapped my gaze at the source of the book being closed and saw a very gorgeous boy.  He had curly brown hair.  It was like he has just gotten out of bed, but in a good way.  Hey had bright green eyes that made me melt when I looked at them. 

"Hello. I'm Harry Styles." He said confidently.  Then I realized he was one of those One Direction celebrities.

"Oh um, hey.  I'm Zoey, Zoey Clark."

"Well Zoey I saw you sitting out here and I was wondering why your out here love." He said with his beautiful British voice.

"Um, well I was kinda thrown out here," I started showing the swelling of my ankle by lifting up the my jeans, "By Maya Tran."

"Oh ouch.  What a bitch.  Oh! Actually I think I met her.  Is she that slutty one that was all over me, Zayn, Louis, and Niall earlier this morning?"

"Yes." I answered, "Well why are you talking to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you could be with all those hot girls out there right now with your band mates.  But you came out here to talk to me."

"Well I think your actually very pretty and I came out here to ask why you were here and to take you back in.  And it's like 9 now so you want to be heading back?"  I was speechless because his voice was so mezmerizing.

"Um Zoey?"

"What!? Oh right yeah, yeah, sure."

"You want me to walk you back?"

He walked me all the way back to my dorm with his arm around me because I was limping.  Then when we got back he wrapped it up for me with the pre wrap I use for head bands and the left over tape the foot ball team left in my old Highschool Boarding School when they you know...The night was finally over and I was glowing with happiness.

"Well good night Zoey, I will see you around."

"Good night." I replied and with that he closed the door and I waited as his footsteps became lighter and lighter.  Then I sank down onto my bed, closed my eyes.  And watched it happen all over again.

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