Harry Styles and the Outcast Chapter 6. Paint Ball

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Chapter 6. Paint Ball

I was awaken to the sound of Harry's dorm door being flung open and flooded in with the other boys.  They yanked open all the curtains sending rays of sunlight beeming into our eye sockets and blinding me temporarily.

Harry stirred next to me and sat up at the exact same moment as I did, and we said the exact same thing, "What the HELL!!!??" It was so funny that each of the boys got their phones out and tweeted it!!

"That was like something from a scary movie!!" Louis burst out laughing.

"I sware your eyes opened at the same time too lads!"Niall coughed out in between laughs.

"Vas happenin'?"Zayn said.

Next Harry said, "Why are you in here anyway.  Not that I am not glad to see you.  Especially you Louis," he winked and Louis winked back, "But it's 7 and neither of us have classes, and why are you wearing camo, and combat boots?"

Louis started saying, "We are-"

I cut him off, "Joining the military, nah I'm good thanks for asking close the door on the way out." I said pulling my cover over my head.

Then my feet were drug out from under me and I was screaming my head off.  It was Louis who had now thrown me over his shoulder and carried me into the bathroom.

"Harry HELP!!" I screamed.

I could hear his laughter as he followed us in.  Louis turned on the shower and through me in fully clothed in my nightgown!

"Louis you ass!" I screamed throwing my soaking wet nightgown over the top of the shower curtain.

"Get ready, you have one hour!" He called after me, "Oh and your camo, and boots are in the bathroom with you."

Harry has two showers so I heard him in the next room over turning on the water.  Well, I thought, I guess I have no choice!

When I got out I remembered I had some war paint make up in my makeup bag.  I smeared one line on each cheek! Then I dried my hair and put it in a small ponytail.  Then I changed into my camo pants.  I had a white t-shirt sitting there and black combat boots.  I put those on too and I looked pretty bad ass if I do say so myself.

I walked out and saw that Harry was wearing the same as he was already making breakfast.

"Hmmmm Chef Harry, what are you making that smells so delicious???"

"Pancakes, and who is in the room that looks so delicious, oh yeah that's you!!"

I giggled and sat at the table waiting for the pancakes.  We had 20 minutes to devour them.  They were delicous.  They had small chocolate chips melted in them and it exploded in my mouth like a dove commercial.  Then I drank a cup of orange juice and Harry and I headed out the door where the boys were waiting. 

"Okay," Louis explained, "Basically we have the whole place to ourselves today.  We will have 2 teams of two and a loner that we will draw out of a hat.  There will be a point A for everyone and at point B is a flag.  You and your team have to get the flag and take it back to point A with out being shot.  It's paint ball capture the flag basically.  If you get shot while running back you have to drop the flag where you are do 50 sit ups and while you're doing that it's fair game.  Everyone got it??"

We all nodded and got in the limo that was taking us to the range.  Once we got there we drew the teams out of the hat.  I was with Louis.  Harry was with Niall and Zayn was the loner.  Harry kissed me on the cheek before handing me my gun.  I took it and did some practice shots agains a wood wall.  Then Louis and I headed over to our point A.  We had 10 minutes to study the map of the place before the bell would sound.  I felt like I was sort of in the Hunger Games except no one was going to die... Hopefully.   Louis showed me our game plan.  He told me he was going to run around the perimeter and get the flag from behind with me on his tail.  Then he would have me pretend I got the flag and run back until they were all surrounding me shooting.  Then he would make a break for point A 300 yards away.  The safe zone would be withing 50 yards of that because the gun can only shoot 250 yards away. 

After the 10 minutes the bell sounded and Louis made a break for the perimeter.  I followed close behind and I saw Niall start turning his head in our direction so I dead legged Louis sending him behind a bush.  He looked at me like What the Hell? I told him about Niall and he told me that I had been smart. 

I saw Harry was getting close to the flag so from behind the bush I shot him twice in the bum and he spun around looking for the source.  That gave Louis enough time to grab the flag.  Everyone saw this so he pretended to hand it to me.  I took off down the hill running as fast as I could.  I saw Louis circle the perimeter again.  I felt shots whiz over my head and I hid behind a wall.  Louis was still in sight so I could tell he still saw me. 

Then I saw Zayn sneaking up behind Louis so I shot at him.  It hit him in the leg and he fell, startled, down the hill he was standing on.  Thankfully everyone thought he fell on accident because the bullet had been a green one hitting a green part of his camo pants.  I took this moment of everyone looking at him to run.  I ran in the middle so they would all notice.  Louis was 100 yards away from the safezone and this would buy the rest of the time.  That was when I got shot.  Right in the boob! I whipped around to see a smirking Niall.  Then I was tackled to the ground by Harry.

"Do your pushups babe." He smirked.

"Just one little problem Harry."

"What is that?"

"I don't have the flag Louis does and he's already there." Just as I said that the alarm for the winner went off and they called Louis and I up to the podium.  They said for winning we each get a paint splattered trophy and one free shot at the other contenders.  Which I gladly shot Niall where it hurts most.

"Ooph! Your going to pay for that one."He said keeling over in pain.  Then I shot Harry in the stomach and Zayn in the boot.

We all walked over to the big water jug after that and sat and drank the ice cold liquid for about twenty minutes. 

I turned around to look at the whole landscape of the paint ball arena.  It was pretty cool with it's barriers and paint splatters everywhere making it look like modern art,

My thoughts were interrupted by stinging cold water running down my back!!

I whipped around to see Niall standing there smiling.  I looked down at my wet WHITE t-shirt and saw that you could definitely see my pink bra now because I was soaked.


"Told you, you would pay."

"I think your brassiere looks lovely darling."Harry said.

"Whatever can we go home so I can change now?"

"You sure can." Harry said lifting me up in his arms and carrying me back to the limo.  We had a dance party in the back seat the whole way to the campus. 

When we got back it was sun down and I needed to sleep for classes tomorrow so I made out with Harry for ten delicious minutes and then watched him leave sadly.  That was when I remembered I left my stuff at his dorm so I hurried over there and walked in after him.  I heard his shower on in the bathroom so I just picked up my stuff and was getting ready to leave when the door opened and a butt naked Harry was standing in front of me.

"Oh my god!! Harry I am so sorry." I said shielding my eyes.

"It's okay like what you see???"

"Shut up!!" I said

"It's okay Zoey you were bound to see me sometime anyway."

"Okay, well not today!! But I will just go.  See you tomorrow."

"Bye!" He called after me and I could just hear the smirk on his face.

Oh my god I can't believe I saw Harry naked!!! He was so hot... Breathe and go home.  I was so panicy I ran into Louis on the way home.

"What's your problem?"

"Um, I just saw Harry naked on accident."

He burst out laughing.

"Don't worry all of us have!!"

I punched him in the arm and then went in my room.  I took a shower, changed, and then fell asleep trying not to dream about Harry naked!!

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