Harry Styles and the Outcast Chapter 2. Google

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Chapter 2. Google

Saturday 9 A.M.

I got up the next morning really happy about what happened last night and the realization hit me like the stabbing pain in my ankle when I jumped out of bed.  Harry Styles will never like me.  Obviously he is just a teen boy celebrity with a slight soft side.  Yes he helped me and yes he might have said I was pretty, but that doesn't mean anything.  One because I know I am not,  And two because I know celebrites.  They have a way with words. 

That's when I decided that I actually knew nothing about Harry except that he was hot, charming, and in a band called One Direction.  I haven't even heard their music but all I hear about is how they good they are.  So I decided I would use my Saturday to discover more about this guy. 

I went into the bathroom and got a shower.  I turned the water on extra hot today letting it seep through my pores.  Don't worry I didn't forget to unwrap my ankle before I got in the shower.  It was still swollen and slightly purple.  But mostly it hurt like a bitch. 

After my shower I quickly dried my hair and threw it up into a sloppy bun on the top of my head.  I put on my pink bra and matching undies and tossed an old pair of sweats on.  I also put on a pink tank top and a pair of my only name brand items, Sperrys.  I loved my Sperrys.  That was when I went over to my desktop.  I turned it on and typed in my username and password.  Yeah, I know I live alone, but with the Clique living near me I knew I needed some sort of security. 

I double clicked on the internet icon typed in google.com and then typed in Harry Styles.  I was in the middle of reading one of the articles on him and all about his life.  It said he was a big flirt, liked getting naked, and loved the color orange.  Well one of those things sounded legit at least.  This just proved my point that he was just in it to be a flirt! I was still reading when my stomach grumbled louder than a train. 

I got up and headed for the kitchen.  I cracked two eggs letting them spill out on the already heated up pan.  They immeadietly started to simmer and I started to scramble them up just like I like them.  Then I put two pieces of bacon on and poured myself some orange juice.  After they were done cooking I sat down and ate and drank everything in front of me. 

When my stomach finally told my brain it was full I headed back to my computer.  But when I got back to it I couldn't sit down.  The reason I couldn't do this was because my seat was filled with none other than Harry Styles.  I shrieked in shock and embarassment as I realized what he had been looking at on my computer.

He grinned wickedly at me. 

"Why are you in my house? Why are you looking at my computer? And why are you grinning like an idiot!?"

He got up and started walking towards me. 

"I think it is quite interesting that Zoey Clark was googling me.  And the reason I am here by the way, is because I came to check on you and your ankle.  Which to me looks like it needs my loving care."

"I was googling you because well um..." my cheeks flushed with embarassment, "I don't know I just! God! I am so freaking tired of being embarassed all the time.  Did you know this? Everyday of life is pure torture.  I trap myself in my room until I have classes because I am afraid of being tortured! They sent football teams after me in highschool! They shoved my head into the toilet, and they lock me out of the campus!! And then you show up mysteriously after talking to them and you offer to take me home, tell me I am pretty, wrap my ankle, then show up the next morning! The last time I started a friendship with someone that talked to them I ended up with fake naked photos on the internet and embarassing things posted on the bulletin boards.  So yeah I have trust issues." It rushed out of me and immeadietly my cheeks were redder than tomatoes,

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