Harry Styles and the Outcast Chapter 5. Flowers & Chocolates

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Chapter 5. Flowers & Chocolates

Harry's POV

I got up early today to go to Zoey's dorm and give her the flowers and chocolates I bought her last night.  I dressed my best! I wore my favorite grey blazer with my lavendar button up shirt and my black bow tie.  Then I put on my favorite grey trousers and black Sperry's Zoey bought me during her makeover wardrobe session.

I headed over to her dorm and got their around 7.  I let myself in knowing I had an hour wait before she got up.  I used this time to use her restroom lay her flowers and chocolates on her bed and watch her sleep.  Today I was going to ask her if she wanted to come to my dorm tonight since neither of us have classes tomorrow and we could watch a movie and she could spend the night. 

She is so beautiful when she sleeps.  Her gorgeous grey eyes are concealed by her long beautiful eye lashes that have whisps of her dark hair laying over them.  Her beautiful big lips are in a crooked smile and I know she is having a good dream.  She sleeps with one smooth long leg sticking out of her silkiy covers and the light is hitting her oh so perfectly that she looks like an angel.

Finally I hear her alarm go off so I go and hide around the corner. I watch as she sits up running a smooth delicate hand through her hair.  She switches her alarm off and looks down at the end of the bed noticing the flowers and chocolates.  She picks up the flowers and inhales the beautiful aroma of pink and red roses.  Then she opens the box of chocolates stares in contemplation and finally pops one in her mouth closing her eyes.  I know she's in heaven!

I walk around the corner and say, "Hey beautiful, good morning."

She looks up at me and smiles jumping out of bed and running over to me.   I throw my arms out and she runs right into them.  I stroke her hair and place my other hand on her back and rest my chin on her head. 

"Thank you Harry." She whispers and I kiss her forehead in reply. Then she excuses herself to go get ready.  She comes back after showering, makeup, and clothes, and I notice her ankle doesn't need wrapping anymore! But what really makes me happy is what she's wearing.  She is wearing a black coat that goes to the middle of her perfect muscular thighs.  Then she is wearing only tights under that and red sparkly TOMS.  Her hair is straightened and has one of my red roses woven through it like a headband.  She looks very, very sexy!

I walk over to her slowly and grab her around the waist and yank her to me so there is no space between us.  I see she is wearing cherry red lipstick and red glitter eye liner.  I lightly touch my lips to hers not wanting to look like an idiot with red lipstick all over my face.  Then I ask her about tonight.  At first she says no thinking I mean lets come over so we can do it!! So I tell her that is not at all what I meant and all I want is to watch a movie, sleep, and maybe kiss.

She agrees then and we head out the door.  It's only 8:30 so we go get breakfast at the campus cafe.  I keep Zoey close again because allt the guys are checking her out and I want to punch them.  They should not being looking at my girl.  I love how that sounds in my head.  My girl, my girl, my girl.  I chant in my head to the tune of I Want until I am interrupted by the lady asking me if I want syrup.  I say yes, she puts some on, and we eat talking and laughing until we want to head over ot class.  As soon as we walk in 20 minutes early we notice there is no one here except for us and our perverted teacher who calls Zoey up to the front.  I look at him and he squeezes her ass!! I run over there but instead of fighting him like I would've if he wasn't my teacher I drag a frightened Zoey away.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah but that was really weird."

"God I could kill him! He should be fired." I whisper loudly.

Then class starts and I have to listen to this prick for another hour and 10 minutes until class is over.  Then we head to our next one and the last one flies by and it's 5:30.  I tell Zoey to meet me at our place while she goes and gets some essentials. 

Zoey's POV

I am on my way to Harry's after grabbing a tooth brush, clothes for tomorrow, my night gown, shampoo, and my phone and phone charger, along with the box of chocolates when I am stopped by the Clique.

Maya waltzes up to me and grabs a chunk of my hair yanking it backward sending fireworks of pain around my head. 

"You think you are so cool now because you have new clothes and hair.  But I still the annoying little nerd in you.  Don't think I haven't forgotten. Anyway Zoey... I wanted to tell you to tell your little boy friend that if he insults me again I will-"

"You'll what Maya?" I hear Niall's voice say from behind me.

She releases my hair and I stumble back.  Niall catches me and steadies me.  After he releases my arm he tells Maya. "We are over!"

"But Niall I was just-"

"You were just hurting and insulting my best mate's girl friend! Which is unnacceptable and unforgivable. Now go home we're over!"

"Yeah Jasmine we are too." I hear Zayn say walking up.

"What!?" Jasmine shrieks.

"You can just stand there and watch your little "friend' pick on someone like this.  That's wrong.  We are done!"

"Whatever, but just remember this isn't over." Maya says walking away, "Anyways you got the ugly one Zoe."

I turn around to face Zayn and Niall and say thank you.

"What are lads for?" Niall asks and Zayn smiles in agreement.

I walk past them smiling and then go over to Harry's dorm.  I knock on the door and he answers it shirtless and in his pyjama bottoms.

"You can go change into your's if you want?" He says gesturing me inside.  I walk in and he has a huge dorm.  It has one king sized bed, a huge kitchen, and an enomous bathroom! I change in there and come out to sit beside him on his bed in front of the huge flat screen TV.  The movie he chose was Grease due to Louis's request!

I know every word and song to this movie and apparently so does Harry so we act it out with each other and sing along.  After we are exhausted I just sit down and lay my head on his shoulder.  He cups my chin in his hand and pulls my face up to his and he kisses me.  He presses my back against the bed and kisses me long and hard.  It sends fireworks and sparks flying through my brain and everything is perfect until we stop.  I am still smiling however and I forgot I brought my chocolates so I get those out and Harry and I pop chocolates into each other's mouths.  He gives me one with cherry filling and I give him one with fudge filling.  Then we switch.  We both agree the fudge one was much better. 

Then we cuddle up to each other and finish the movie eventually drifting into a deep dreamless sleep. We didn't need to dream of each other because we were already there face to face arms around each other.  We were hip bone to hip bone.  And it couldn't get any better than this. 


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