Where Is He?

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HEY HEY HEY!!! Look at me being a terrible person once more :D

This chapter should have come out a Millennia ago but My wattpad wasn't allowing me to update!!! AHHH

Before this starts I wanted to say thank you! I never though I'd get so much support for my stories.

I honestly don't think I deserve it for how lazy I am with new chapters, and the fact that me wattpad hates me 0^0
Anyway enjoy!
Keith soon got to the lions and stopped when he saw the thing he hated. The others caught up and saw the same thing.

Blue was gone.

"Where is he?!" Asked Pidge with a worried glance to Shiro.

Shiro just looked completely defeated, "I'm such a terrible person" he whispered to himself. (Same bro same)

Hunk over heard him and sighed, "let's not play the blame game, I really don't want to go to a pity party."

Allura and Coran look genuinely confused, "what's a... 'pity party'?" Asked Allura.

Keith just gave a small chuckle, "it's when you start feeling down about something and everyone else does to." (Am I the only one who throws a solo pity party for myself?)

Allura nodded and Coran had the look of understanding as he said, "we should ask the other lions to take us to where Blue is, since they probably know."

Shiro seemed to feel better about that as he walked up to black. He put his hand on they're big paw. "Hey Black, could you take us to Lance?"

Black just sat there not responding. Shiro just sighed, "please, if not then tell me what Lance was like when he ran to Blue."

At that Blacks eyes lit up and Shiro saw images of Lance running to Blue. He looked really sad, and Shiro had a solid guess why. There was no audio, but it looked like Lance said something.

When the images where finished Shiro turned to the team and told them what he saw, since Black was incapable of showing it to them.

Keith look a little ticked off after that, "why would he run off?! I get he was down but he shouldn't have ran!"

Shiro just looked at him with disbelief, "he ran off because he thought we deliberately forgot his choice!"

Hunk just sighed again and turned to Yellow, "hey Yellow, could you please take us to Lance? We need to make up for what we did."

Yellow seemed to understand, and told the others, since they all opened up for the paladins.

"Really! Thank you!" Said Hunk as he signaled Coran to join him in Yellow.

The others spirits seemed to rise as they climbed into their respective lions, Allura joined Shiro in black. (Hehe ship it)

"Alright let's find Lance!" Said Pidge as the lions took off.


There you are!!! Sorry it's kinda short I had to write it on the bus in the morning on the way to school :|

Anyway feel free to tell me how bad I am about updating!

Okie bye now~

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