He got His wish (Finale)

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Yes sadly this is the final part, but! I have more stories waiting to be written!

Thank you again for the support! I know I say thank you to much but I don't think me saying it every second of my life would be able to express my gratitude!

So thank you and enjoy the ending!❤️❤️❤️
Alright here's the really over due chapter 😅

The four lions flew at a fast enough pace so that they would arrive in a few hours (I know they can go faster but this is for plot convenience)

A never ending blanket of blue stretched before them, showing no indication that they were close to their destination. Each paladin and Altean stayed relatively quiet, seeing as their wasn't much to say.

~With Lance~

It was quiet on the beach, due to no one being out on the sand. The sun that shone on the water made it it sparkle the way it would in most paintings and pictures. (It's only cloudy on our beaches so I have never seen this in person very often ;^;)

Lance sat on a rock not far from the shinning water, his feet half way buried under the warm sand.

His gaze was on the waves that lapped at the sand. Blue was behind him as they "talked".

"Ya know the waves remind me of my team, their so predictable at times, you can tell when they'll pull away from you." Said Lance with a sigh, "But sometimes they'll come back and show you that they care."

As Lance sat there talking on with Blue as the lion sent reassuring images to him.

"I just wanted a day on the beach with them, Blue."

                •Tiny Time Skip•

Lance sat inside blue, rapped in a blanket he had put in to the storage unit, as the sun set and the air cooled.

He was cozy and warm as he watched the sky go from a bright blue to a wonderful golden yellow.

He was about to fall asleep when he heard a thump from outside, he didn't think much about it and continued to let sleep take over.

    •Again a Time Skip cause 😅

Lance woke to the morning crisp air and Blue trying to get his attention.

"I'm up girl don't worry." He said while stretching, he then got on some warm clothing and close climbed out of blue.

He stopped dead in his tracks, one arm rubbing his tired eye and the other at his side, at the sight before him.

~Back to the night before with the Team~

The Lions flew at a steady pace as the team talked.

(Alright you'll be able to figure this out but, Italic words are the words comping from the intercom, Also Allura and Coran won't be in this conversation cause convenience)

H~ Maybe we should try and surprise him when he wakes up?

P~ Good idea then we don't have to go to bed immediately after we say high.

K~ Alright I like it but I got to get something if we're doing that.

S~ what are you getting?

K~ you'll see tomorrow morning

P~ It better not be flowers!

K~ Really flowers on a beach?

H~ Yeah why would you bring flowers to a beach?

P~ never mind *Mumble* I just want Klance *Mumble*

K~ What was that??


S~ Pidge

K~ Hey guys I can see Blue!!!!

And it was true there ahead of them in a small field one the edge of the shore was Blue, she looked to be asleep for the sun was setting, so no doubt Lance was to.

The Lion, except Red, landed in another open area. Keith to Red and turned towards the nearest town.

                 •Tiny Time Skip•

Keith came back and landing Keith close to Blue and let Red fall asleep. He got up and ruffled through the stuff he bought till he found, at the bottom, the blanket he packed.

Laying down he took one look around before he let sleep overtake him.

            •Time Skip To Morning•

Keith got up and went to his intercom.

K~ Meet me outside Red.

Not waiting for a reply he turned and grabbed the recently bought stuff and left Red to set it out on the ground.

A few moments later the others, including the Alteans, came, and Keith could tell, by the smiles on their face, they knew exactly what they were gonna do.

They all grabbed a few items before they heard Blue lower her head.

Walking over so they were just to the side of Blues lowered mouth, they all had smiles on there face as Lance walked out one hand rubbing his eye.

Once Lance locked eyes on the team he froze.

~Back with Lance~

Lance couldn't believe it there was the team! The team that he thought forgot about him, but he was wrong cause here they were, all holding some sort of water gun.

Lance just sat in shock as Keith walked up and handed him a water gun, a really nice and powerful water gun!

He carefully took the gun from Keith and looked at him shocked.

Keith just chuckled and said, "Look we all feel like complete jerks, we were supposed to remember your choice but we didn't." Keith stopped to take a breath before continuing, "So we came to enjoy the rest of our trip at the beach, and I thought that we couldn't do that unless we had some things to shoot water at each other." He chuckled again and looked back at the team who all held a different sized gun before turning back to Lance and saying, "So what'd you say to a good old water fight, Sharpshooter?"

Lance looked at the gun before a giving a devilish grin to the Keith and the rest of the team before replying, "I hope you all got some clothes that can get wet, cause you ain't done till your all doused in water!"

Everyone just laughed and went back to their lions to get ready for the big fight.

In under 10 minutes they all met on the sand with their guns full of warm water, since everyone agreed that was fair.

But what Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Coran, and Allura didn't know was that Lance and Keith conspired together and decided to team up and fill their guns wit hIce cold water from the sea.

"Alright! Ready? Set. SHOOT!" Yelled Lance before turning and shooting Pidge from behind.

"AHHH THATS FREEZING!!!" She yelled as she turned to look for the one responsible, "LANCE!"

Lance just laughed and ran off to shoot some one else, yelling over his shoulder, "Never trust me Pidge you shou know that!"

The rest of the day was full of laughter as the team shot each other with water. Lance didn't feel so forgotten, he was just happy his wish came true.


Thank you all for the support of this story.

This finally should have come out earlier

But Life slapped me in the face and I was really lazy to the point where I don't deserve all of this support ^^

Thank you so much for reading and I hope the finale was satisfying :)

Bye now~

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