First Contact

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We are publishing the very first one shot. Long and awaited. It may have further chapters like one or two.

The story revolves around two young boys of a small village located on the north of a powerful magic kingdom named Fiore.

This village, called Isvan, was home to many aspiring young mages who co-existed peacefully with normal humans.

Gray Fullbuster and Gems D’Cruz were two of these young mages. In the village of Isvan young wizards were required to learn normal human skills as the possibility was always present that they could lose their magical abilities and become fully human.

Gray, the ice-make mage, was a chef at The Isvan Diner owned by Laxus Dreyar and his wife Mirajane Dreyar.

Apart from being a wind mage, Gems worked outside as member of the Isvan department of animal services. Despite Isvan being a small village the two had never met and were totally unaware of each other’s existence.

Gray was a dashing young man with pitch black wavy hair that covered his ears and flowed across his forehead in a natural wave. His eyes were a deep black. Gray enjoyed physical fitness and his physique was perfectly proportioned and he had well defined pectorals, biceps and abs. Gray’s magical powers had not yet fully manifested and he truly wanted to be a perfect example of human fitness.

Gray loved his work at the diner because he was required to lift heavy crates of food, unload trucks and other tasks that honed his muscles and kept them toned. Gray also liked to show off his physique and he did so often, never missing an opportunity to strip. The diner’s kitchen afforded him many opportunities to have his shirt open or entirely off due to the heat. He was not musclebound but very well defined and sculpted.

Gems however, was a slender young boy with dark straight raven hair that cascaded down over his forehead. His hair hung just above his dark well defined eyebrows and sometimes appeared to cover them but it was an illusion due to the perfect match in color. The glasses he wore made his eyes look more attractive and made him look younger, making people wonders that if he had hit puberty or not?

Gems had an athletic build that was toned and contained not an ounce of fat. His dark brown eyes were like shimmering pools of liquid that made everyone wonder if it was possible to be engulfed by these mystical orbs.

These boys were splendid specimens of young men coming of age.

One sunny afternoon Gray was working in the diner and it was unusually busy due to the recent heat wave that had plagued the village in recent days. Gray had already unbuttoned his shirt almost all the way and soon would inevitably remove it.

Gems had had an awful morning chasing a loose bunny all over the village. Gems did not believe in trapping or harming animals and would spend the entire day to catch the bunny rather than see it harmed.

However, the heat of the day was taking its toll on Gems and he had to rest. Normally his mother packed him a lunch but he had lost it in a stream while chasing the bunny. He was too far from home to go back for lunch, so he decided to have lunch at The Isvan Diner.

When he entered everyone looked at him because was wet and dirty from chasing the bunny through the woods and streams of the village.

He looked at the waitress, Mirajane, and asked “May I use your washroom?” Mira had seen Gems chasing the bunny earlier.

GrEms One-Shots (Gray Fullbuster X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now