Cute Babies

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Hello Fellas! Finally back with a new one shot! Hope you enjoy!

It was nearly 11 in the night, when the duo returned from a mission. It had been a while since they moved into their own new house after announcement of their live in relationship. After changing, both the boys  plopped on to their bed.

"Man, that job was tiring!" Gray told as he rubbed his arm.

"Can you bear the pain till morning?" Gems asked as he tried massaging Gray's arm. "Once I eat something in the morning, I'll heal you!" He added as he crawled to his side of the bed as Gray switched on the AC.

Gray removed his shirt, and crawled next to his fiancé. "Your man is strong enough to bear this much of pain." Gray gave a light chuckle as he ruffled Gems's hair.

"But that doesn't mean I like to see you in pain! Like come on!" Gems got up and say besides Gray. "I'll heal you right now!" He told as made Gray lay down.

"But you'll get yourself exhausted!" Gray tried to protest, but as usual he didn't stand a chance against Gems. "This is the last time I'm letting you do this! Alright?" Gray scolded him, and Gems nodded.

"Alright alright, now let me heal you. Healing wind!" Gems chanted as he placed his hands on Gray's chest as soothing winds blew around both of them, basically healing Gray. "Just a little more." Gems mumbled, before falling on Gray due to exhaustion.

"See, told ya!" Gray sighed and wrapped an arm around Gems and layed him down in a more comfortable position besides him. "At least I'll get some good sleep, hehe!" Gems joked.

Gray switched off the lights and pulled the blankets over them after getting completely naked. He snaked his arm around the younger boy's waist and pulled him closer, spooning him. "Hey Gems! Thank You!" He whispered in his ear as removed Gems's glasses and put them away.

Gems didn't say anything, just squeezed Gray's arm which was around him. Gray nuzzled closer to him, giving him a signal. "Hump me one more time and I'll kick you in the balls!" Gems told as he lightly hit Gray with his elbow.

"But I wanted s-" Gray couldn't finish his sentence as Gems interrupted him. "Not tonight!" Gems told him as a matter of fact. "How about we do some family planning and have some babies?" Gray asked as he pulled Gems more closer.

Gems turned around and kissed Gray. "Now shut up and let me cuddle you to sleep! We'll discuss tomorrow!" He told and snuggled closer to Gray. Nevertheless, Gray wrapped his hands around Gems and kissed his forehead before both of them drifted to sleep.


Gray was getting congratulated by everyone. He finally had babies with Gems. Yesterday Gems gave birth to twins, a girl and a boy. He left the guild, since Gems was alone at their home with their babies.
On the way back, Gray went to a shop to buy supplies for the babies which Erza suggested him. He bought some soft toys, some diapers and some important baby products. He was glad that he had a family now.

"I'm home!" Gray announced as he removed his shoes and locked the main door behind him. He had a curious smile on his face as he wanted to play with the new members of the Fullbuster family. Quickly, Gray made his way towards his bedroom.

Upon entering, Gray saw Gems sitting on the bed making both the babies drink milk from their bottles. Gray was now getting more curious to look at the cute faces of his own little ones.

"Look your papa is here!" Gems spoke softly. "Gray look! Our babies are so cute!" Gems told Gray as both the new ones completed drinking. Gray blushed and closed his eyes. The next moment he felt the babies in arms. "Open your eyes Gray!" Gems told.

Gray slowly opened his eyes and he started shivering. He was completely shocked when he saw his babies. He went pale. Fear was plasted and couldn't who he saw were his babies.

"Men!" The twins spoke in unison. Gray fainted as he couldn't believe he had two babies who looked just like Ichiya.

Gray's eyes snapped open and he sat up on the bed completely covered in sweat. He saw Gems was peacefully sleeping beside him while holding one of his hands. "It was just a dream..." Gray sighed in relief as he got into his senses and realized that he just saw a nightmare. The worst Nightmare ever! He wiped his sweat away and drank a glass of water before looking at Gems and waking him up.

Gems rubbed his eyes and looked at Gray. "Gray~" Gems whined. "Why'd ya wake me up in the middle of the night?" He asked while yawning.

"Babu I want cute babies! Cute!" Gray huffed his cheeks while looking at Gems. A vein of anger popped on Gems's forehead. "I told you we will discuss tomorrow!" Gems told him. "You've to give birth to cute babies!" Gray protested.

"Gray Fullbuster, if you don't want to sleep on the couch than go to sleep!" Gems shouted as he pushed Gray back on the bed shutting him up with a fierce kiss.

Gray huffed his cheeks but when he saw Gems snuggling him and already asleep he went back to cuddling the younger boy with pout.

Hope you liked the one shot!! If you have any ideas, you PM it!! It will be highly appreciated!! Please Vote, Comment and Share! Follow as well!!!

Question :- Do you like babies?

I'll try to upload mini one shots once in a while!!

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