A Sweet Dream

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• Lemon •

Gray and Gems were roommates while they attended the Magic Academy. Gray was a few years older than his friend and as such he was not enrolled in the same training regimen as Gems. This often resulted in Gray going on “off campus” jobs which sometimes meant he would be gone for several days.

Because they stayed in Academy housing they each had their own bedrooms and beds. However, when Gray was away Gems missed him terribly and would often sleep in Gray’s bed comforted by Gray’s scent.

Sleeping in Gray’s bed made Gems feel safe and lessened the loneliness he felt when Gray was away. The two had come to know each other pretty well during this time. Gray slept nude and was a light sleeper, quick to awake at any sign of trouble so he could protect the younger one.

Gems, on the other hand, slept in night clothes and was a deep sleeper knowing that Gray would always protect him. Gray would often laugh at Gems saying “You could sleep through a bomb going off.”

Gray also would shun sweets while Gems loved sweet things, especially deserts. Gray was off on an unusually long mission and was not due back for several more days. Gray’s absence was really making Gems feel lonely and he would eat strawberry shortcake with whipped cream and cherries every night before donning his night clothes and sleeping in Gray’s bed.

This night it was unusually warm and Gems had a hectic day was feeling particularly lonely. Upon arriving home from the Academy Gems fixed himself a quick meal and finished it off with a large strawberry shortcake with extra strawberries and cherries, unaware of an angry Erza plotting against him.

He cut a big bowl of cherries in half removing all the pits. He ate so much that he was having difficulty staying awake and decided to go to bed early. He forgot and left the whipped cream and cherries on the table in the kitchen.

He decided to wear different night clothes since it was so warm, choosing to wear a lightweight pale blue button down night shirt with lightweight athletic shorts and no underwear.

Gems was thinking about Gray ever since he got home and was already half asleep when he stumbled into Gray’s room falling on his back onto the bed. Gems was asleep before his head hit the bed and was mumbling Gray’s name as he laid spread-eagled on top of the bed.

Unbeknownst to Gems, Gray’s job completed early and Gray was on his way home. It was late when Gray arrived home and he was concerned that the lights were on in the kitchen so he entered through the kitchen door. 

Gray saw that Gems hadn't put things away. ‘Strange...Gems is always so neat I hope nothing is wrong.’ Without bothering to clean up Gray hurried to Gems’s room to check on him. Upon entering Gems’s room Gray was shocked to see that he was not there.

Gray got really worried now. ‘Oh shit where is my Gems.’

He decided to change clothes and go looking for Gems. As he approached his room, Gray could see the moonlight shining into his room. As he entered the room he saw Gems laying on his bed bathed in the soft moon light. Gray stopped frozen in place as he gazed at Gems illuminated by the shimmering moonlight.

“Oh My God, he is so beautiful....” Gray could hear Gems occasionally whispering and this snapped him out of his trance. Gray sat on the bed and watched Gems for a few minutes captivated by the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed deep in sleep.

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