Being Invisible

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Beginning your freshman year is hard enough just by itself, but I have to deal with my hormone- raging mother. She's keeping the sex of this one a secret. She really wants a boy, but she ended up with four girls in the past pregnancies. My sister, Miriam is the oldest; she's 17. I come in line right after her, age 15 currently. My other sister's are fraternal twins, Lydia & Luci, both are 9 & extremely annoying! My father is the owner of " America's Best" which is ironic because no one in our family where's glasses or contacts. I'd be closer to my father except the fact that he's almost never around. 

 This year I was happy to be starting at a different building, but it doesn't change the people. Sigh. We live in California & I don't tan, like at all. I get teased all the time for it. That's not the only thing I get crap about. My clothes aren't "in style", my nose protrudes to much from my face, my eyes aren't level, my toes are crooked. The cliques at my school are always looking for something to attack. I'm not the only target of the bullying though. I've tried to talk to someone about all of it but they just brush it off. "It's just a kid thing, these girls will outgrow it" . 

But I had Stella. She's been my friend through it all & I don't know what I'd do without her. She's helped me ignore all the bullying. Stella King, is the kind of friend you want to have around here. 

Even though I pretend things are pretty good, I worry.

Werid things have been happening lately & I'm not sure what caused it. What I did to deserve it. Is this a gift or curse? 

Whenever I don't want to be somewhere it happens. Every time. I become invisible.

I started to notice it three months ago at my dad's business meeting. I told him I had to go to the bathroom & I'd just slip right back in when I'm done. I was walking down the hall to the bathroom & thankfully no one was around but it happened. Even my clothes & shoes became invisible. I become confused & scared, but then not so bad.

For the remaining four hours of the boring meeting I walked around town, even went to a secluded beach by the office. It was so nice. And no one could see me do any of it! I headed back to the office right when the meeting got out. I was expecting a stern talking- to by my father but to my surprise, he said nothing whatsoever about my absence. It was if for that moment that I was invisible, I didn't exist. And this is how my life's been recently. Constantly in & out of reality. I wondered if anyone else in my family possessed such a talent & if being invisible was possible, what other things were?

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