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"All's well that ends well" I suppose you could say. Three whole years have passed. I can't begin to believe it myself. Raymond has become the cutest little toddler, watching him grow up is truly something magnificent. My father finally straightened up once Ray was born. He'd come home following work and play with all of us kids. It felt great to have laughter filling the house again. After Miriam had graduated, Joshua was quick to the proposal. Of course she said yes, as I'd expected. Olivia and I were her bridesmaids. It's so strange to call Josh my brother-in-law. Lydia and Luci are now in 7th grade. I feel like I'm getting old and I haven't even graduated high school quite yet! If you're wondering about Olivia, her and Ana are perfectly fine and couldn't be happier. Olivia is an independent single mom who happened to find an affordable apartment that would offer childcare while she worked. She had snatched up an assistant accountant job, paying her enough to live comfortably. 

Now I bet you're thinking, but what about Travis? Let me tell you: I had never felt a love like this for anyone before. He makes me feel like I'm the reason he's living and I make him feel the same way. We've both noticed that we can't be invisible anymore. Maybe it was our figurative imaginations but I believed it really happened. I think that we were given that gift, just for a short while, to help bring my family together. It doesn't always take an extreme thing such as invisibility to cure a broken home, all it takes is one foot out of your comfort zone.

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