Chapter 8: Reactions

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The ride home with Travis was histerical. He could sing so well and when I tried even low notes my voice cracked. Olivia and Anastasia were riding with Joshua. After long days and nights we'd made it back home. It was around 7PM when we pulled into my drive. We all got out of our vehicles and stood in a small circle, looking at each other.

"Okay I don't want everyone in my house to attack you guys. They probably haven't noticed I've been gone but... I'm going to sneak up the back of the house and climb into Miriam's window. Then, climb back down after I tell her to come out the front door. Seeing Anastasia might make her assume exactly what I did so Olivia, if you could just crouch down behind Josh's car until she's not so worked up that'd be great. Okay. See you in 10." I said, calmly as I could.

I ran to the back of the house ducking behind a hedge every few feet, cautious because I didn't want to be seen. When I got to the back I had to identify Miriam's window which wasn't hard considering she had her light on and things stuck all over the window. I couldn't find a safe place to climb up so I did what the guy always does in the movies. I picked up a few of harmless, small rocks and pelted them up to her window, missing twice and then hitting dead in the center the third time. 

She slid open the window looking around curiously before finally spotting me. 

"Rose? Where the heck have you been? Mom might not have paid much attention but you've been gone for five whole days! Get your butt in the house before I-" Miriam yelled, obvious fury in her voice.

"Sshhh, " I whispered but made my voice carry up to her room, " I will explain everything. I need you to not make a racket though. Go out the front door, I'll meet you there. I have something to show you."

"She ought to be ashamed, running away like that," I head her mumble just loud enough for me to hear.

I rushed back to the porch, wanting to be there before she came out the door. I gave a thumbs up to both of them and Travis winked while Josh smiled. 

"Rose, what's your stor-. Joshua? What- what are you doing here? ROSE! You found him!" she exploded, her emotion was masked though and I couldn't quite tell what she was feeling. "Who do you think you are, coming back here? Want me to suffer more do you?" She continued, her voice now rising, her face turning red and I could practically see steam oozing from her ears. Her reaction wasn't at all what I expected. Then she surprised me even more by pushing him so hard that he fell onto the side of Travis's car, rocking it a bit with the impact. I heard Olivia gasp from behind the back of Josh's car but Miriam didn't hear. 

"Mir! STOP!" I screamed. Travis grabbed hold of her by her wrists and dragged her away from Josh, frightened she might hurt him even more. "You don't even know the trouble I went to to find him, all for you! And you don't know the story about Olivia and him," my voice was at top level now too. Surely my mother, Lydia, or Luci would come see what the commotion was about?

The crying started. Not from Josh, Miriam, or me... Anastasia.

"Was- was that a baby I heard?" Miriam asked, gritting her teeth.

"Now Mir, don't judge until you know the truth," piped up Josh. 

"Truth? Truth?" She was outraged now. "You knocked her up!!!"

"No!" shouted Olivia, now rising with Anastasia in her arms from behind the car. Ana stopped crying as soon as her mother started talking, leaving an odd silence in our wake. "You think you know the story. But you know nothing. No, don't interrupt me. I was raped Miriam. Raped. It's not Joshua's baby it's some random guys. Josh helped me through it and I wouldn't let him tell anyone. I was too scared of what my parents would do if they found out, which was abortion. No, Joshua and I do not love each other. In fact there's someone in the area I've had my eye on for quite some time..." Olivia trailed off, leaving Miriam's mouth hanging limply in utter surprise.

Olivia was calm, cool, and collected while she said, "Want to hold Anastasia?" When Miriam didn't answer Olivia spoke again. "Mir, I know you want to. It's funny. Whenever we'd talk about the future I always pictured me holding your baby before I ever had one of my own."

"Olivia.. I'm sorry." said a sincere Miriam.

"Yeah I know racking your brain for possible scenarios must have been hard. Sorry for not telling you," replied Olivia as she gently placed a still Anastasia into my sister's open arms.

"I think you all have some mending and catching up to do. Travis, you better get home." I said in between yawns.

"I really don't want to go. Mind if I sleep in my truck?"

"I can't let you do that. I'll just sneak you in my room. You can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the floor."

"That's not necessary," Travis said while he winked at me. I pushed him in the shoulder in a sisterly way. 

"You're amazing, you know?" I said dreamily.

"People tell me. So Rose, will you go out with me?"

I wasn't at all surprised by this. I was expecting it, more hoping. But now I knew he had to same feelings for me as I had for him. Maybe the entire time we'd knew each other. I couldn't control myself from blushing, so I turned a dark shade of pink and with misty eyes tilted my head to face him.

"There is no doubt in my mind. Yes."

It wasn't my first kiss but it was really something, alright. Everything had turned out for the best. Miriam looked as though she was the happiest person in the world at the moment, holding Anastasia. Her and Olivia talked in hushed tones to each other while Joshua stood with an arm around my sister. Travis and I were together, what could go wrong?

I felt a sprinkle. And then it poured. Travis pulled me out into the awful mess while Mir with Ana in her arms, Josh, and Olivia sprinted for cover under the porch.

From an old Hannah Montana episode Travis starts singing my favorite song, "Barefoot Cinderella". Picking me up and spinning me around, already soaked to the bones he places his lips yet again on mine. He holds them there for what seems like eternity but I don't mind at all. We laugh and joke until I'm sure we've both got terrible colds. When we run back under the porch, Miriam and Josh are hugging in a very intimate way. I don't want to intrude in on their moment and lead a soaking Travis and dry Olivia and Anastasia into my house, preparing to explain the whole story to my mom the moment I see her.

But when I walk in a hear screams from upstairs. I don't see the twins anywhere and my father is most likely still at work. That scream is my mother's.

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