chapter one

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"My drug dealer"


It was a Monday morning and I had to get up for school, yep hating on it. I always wonder why we had to get up so early and not start school at least at 12 pm so we don't seem to be so drowsy when we go to school.

Mum says it's practice to get up early when we get a job it won't be difficult. Either way it will be hard to do.

When I got ready I was running a little late so I skipped breakfast and ran off. My mum doesn't likes it when I skip breakfast or it'll become a habit as some say. We need those nutritious to be healthy and strong to succeed in life.


I didn't care. I don't care if people judged me on what I do. We're all different even if we're all the same. Humans. That's what we all are. We have every part that every human haves.

My school is so.. "Judgmental" because everyone has their own type. Emos, Gothic, preppy, nerdy, girly, jerks, jocks, assholes, dicks, and much more. Everyone picks someone each day, and it's getting annoying as fuck. There's a few of us that are very nice and respectful. You hardly see those people around. This school is a bitch, and to be honest no one really likes it here, yet people like to attend here. Maybe their mothers attend them. We don't care.

What really disturbs me here about this school is the damn girls! Crying for their boyfriends like they be sounding like "we've been dating for two days and I'm already in love with him. I love him so much I'm planning our future" and then later a day they be crying so hard like they were such a huge part of their life. No. They're ridiculous and I'm so glad I'm gay and don't like girls because no I can't-

I have two friends in this school and I'm so glad they understand what I'm trying to say or do. I'm the most awkward person in the world. I don't seek attention so whenever I get mention I get shy and quiet, and when I talk...yeah it doesn't come out right. I stutter. I hate it a lot. So, Michael and Calum, I've been knowing them since secondary school. I get so comfortable around them so I don't have to worry about anything because they got my back, but sadly I don't have them for any of my classes.

Each year new students comes, and everyone seems sad when they enroll. Tough. I'm apparently new to this school and I'm already disgusting it. My mum only put me here because it was close to our city and didn't accepted me anywhere else so I'm stuck in here.

My schedule classes was finally made that first day taking class time to do it with the counselors. First period was English 3, great. I don't like having English for the beginning of school in the morning because that's exhausted and tiring when they put you to read.

Kill myself

When I walked to first period class on time, almost late anyways, everyone was eyeing me like I killed someone with a knife and my clothes is filled with blood stains. I hate when they stare like that, pisses me off, but I might look all shy and shit.

My teacher introduce me to her students and a few said hi and a few just stared like they were put on mute. When I was assign to a seat I sat down walking about freaking author I didn't know, mark twain? Who's this guy? I don't even know I just pretended I was understanding (I hate English) what the teacher was teaching. I distracted myself that moment and stare at everyone's features, I know that's a little creepy staring at people and they be calling you a creep. Well I study people the way they look and guess their personality. My mum said I have this magic powers where I define them and mostly I get them right I don't know how though, incredible right?

I was staring at a girl who say right across from the girl who sits in front of me. She seems sweet. She was smiling a bit as she was taking notes, which I was suppose to. But I would just tell someone to copy. She was dressed in a nice black skirt that was by a bit up from her knees. A pink dressing shirt. High heels. I don't like girls with high heels anyways. But you know what they say, bitches/sluts.

My eyes moved cross from me, a boy. They called him a nerd because he's always wearing those geeky glasses, I wouldn't mind joining in. His converse were looking like beat up shoes but they seem clean in my present eyes.

I moved my eyes to the right now and I just saw a guy resting his head in the desk. He had tattoos on his arms displayed perfectly in my view. Wasn't schools suppose to let people have tattoos? At least cover them up. I guess this school doesn't gives a fuck. I was surprised, I leaned on little closer in my chair to see the whole picture. It was like snake trails all over his arm. I was scanning carefully, this guy might be a bad guy but I think this guy has a heart deep inside.

I was distracted by the guy's tattoos and I guess the teacher caught us off guard as she called my name and his.

His name was Luke.

He groan and got his head up in frustration. When the teacher called me out, Luke was looking at her confused saying "who's Ashton?" And that's when she pointed me out and everyone was staring at me as Luke stares at me with flammable blue iced eyes on me. I guess Luke was popular? Some gasp because Luke didn't like me anymore I suppose. His eyes met mine. Yes I'm gay, and I never dated a girl. I've always been attached to people with coloured eyes because mine are poop. Brown eyes but my mum says they're honey colour but I will never agree to her.

Luke is kind of cute, ya know?

Luke looked away from me to pretend to pay attention to the teacher. I saw him moving so much. He was very tappy. His feet would tap. His hands would make a rhythm. What was making him so shaking? I was worried. He probably has some illness and needed to get out of here real quickly to take his medication. I don't know the kid he seems to need the help of someone. I try to call him in a whisper but he would ignore me. Everyone does since I'm lame and gay.

The bell rang and Luke was in a hurry and was the first one to walk off the classroom then everyone else. I tried to catch up to him but when I head out he was gone. The hallways was about to get crowded. I hate that part. Being pushed not even a fucking 'excuse me' to me. It's like they're shoving themselves to you. Few minutes later like 4 minutes has passed and the hallways got empty again. I took my schedule to check the next class.

Algebra 2.

I started walking to class 209. I'm Ashton Irwin, and this is my high school life....


(A/N): what do you guys think?

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