chapter two

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"My drug dealer"


"He's dangerous" says Calum while he had his fork in the mash potatoes. Ashton did a "uh okay" face towards Calum, and he knows his friends are such judgmental about people's looks. They don't focus what's inside not what's outside. It annoys Ashton so much and he knows all drug dealers don't give a shit what people say or think about them. All they think about is getting high and get money and bitches, as Ashton tries to put it in the nicest way which he didn't.

Calum and Michael are closest and bestest friends of Ashton as I've told you before, as you can tell they like messing with Ashton a lot playfully and nothing would upset him with these guys. He's so comfortable with them and he can do the stupidest things with them and make a big gig about it.

He has opened up with them with the whole gay thing. At first he thought they would hate him and backed away as far as they could but instead of backing away they hugged him with a cheer for being truthful to them instead of hiding it like some people, so that made him really really happy and laugh with them with cans of pop (coke/soda) and had a mini movie, this was taken in Michael's room that one night he came out.

After all, they been protecting Ashton from these horrible crushes he's been crushing. Once, Ashton fell in love with a jerk who was a football player (American Football) and has been ignoring the shit out of Ashton which May made Ashton look like a idiot following him around. His name was Ken Collin, he was popular and all the girls were following him too like lost dogs walking up the hallways crowding everyone, all thanks to this jock jerk. The second crush Ashton had was some type of screamo dude, and this dude would always keeps listening to loud music and would ignore Ashton all the time. Rude. Michael and Calum would pat Ashton's back and say to him "you'll find him, don't worry, don't stop, don't hurry. You'll find someone and wrapped him around your finger eventually"

Ashton couldn't agree to his supporters.

So, what makes Ashton now like a drug dealer?

"Look guys, I know I've had the baddest crushes ever and I suck at crushing someone who's nice and who will love me, but I know I can change those people to go people" says Ashton. Michael doesn't agree at all. Speaking of Michael, he dyed his hair green now. Michael always had that cute obsession of dying his hair all the time. Ashton is kind of worried about Michael's hair though. Making himself imagine Michael with no hair after his 40's. All damaged and other stuff.

"Forget it" says Calum not happy about Ashton's crushes.

"Trust me, I can make this one the right choice." Ashton says, making them hopefully change their minds. Michael and Calum would never understand why Ashton would find the creepiest dudes in school than the smart ones and that are really shy. They thought helping Ashton forget the drug dealer one to a sweeter one because Ashton needed happiness in his life than having a terrible one with dealing these kind of guys.

"You're new to this school, dude. You're already in love with the drugged dirty blonde boy?" Says Michael.

Ashton was about to speak until the druggie came to their table to offer drugs "sup guys" he shows a smirk. Calum moves away from him since Calum had a open seat and the blonde boy took it. Michael rolled his eyes tired of bothering them with drugs. It's never going to happen. "What do you want, Luke.. We are not buying drugs from you go away"

Luke.. Ashton thought. He was staring at him nonstop and he had a feeling Luke would feel creepy so he looked down on his food not even a touch from his mash potatoes.

"Why not? Free discounts on your first buy" he says staring at Michael. He plays with his green hair, and Michael was annoyed and flick his hand away causing him to sigh. "No thanks" he says.

Luke chuckles "your loss" and stands up and noticed Ashton for once "who's this?" He says. Ashton shakily looks at him and tried to stay cool. "I'm Ashton, I'm new here" and Luke rolls his eyes "duh, or I've would've known you but I don't and I don't want to know you, you're a waste. Noobs.. " he walks away from their table to catch up with the cheerleaders, which Ashton Calum and Michael calls them the jocks's sluts. That's all the football players want, a cheerleader.

"Thank god he left" says Calum

Ashton didn't seem to look at Luke like a bad guy, seems like Luke has problems making friends.

"Yeah, he's annoying" says Michael as they finish up their food since almost 5th period. Ashton looks at Luke talking to girls buying drugs from him. He didn't even bother touching anymore of his food.

"Ashton?" Says Michael and Calum looking at him

Ashton turned around "he just needs a friend, s'all"


(A/N): done with this chapter ! Feedback me.

My Drug Dealer // (Lashton)Where stories live. Discover now