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    Chris smiled gidishly at the cats in the alley. He crouched down and plucked one up to give it a small nuzzle as he inhaled its fur.

    "Who's a good kitty?" He said in a cheered tone. He cat gave a pur for a reply as he set it down. He took out his phone and checked if Ted had texted him about coming over yet. He promised he would, and Chris would unleash his cats on him if he had forgotten again.

    His scheme was interrupted my a meowing ringtone. A grin played across his face as he answered the call. "Ted!!" He screamed excitedly into the phone, startling the cats around him.

    "Hey Chris, sorry man but I was going to go hang with Nick for a bit. Raincheck?"
Chris clenched his phone tightly, trying not to exhale the most irritated sigh in the universe.

    "No problem man, I've always got the cats." He said with a halfhearted tone. It was a tone that he could use becuase Ted never noticed it. "Thanks for understanding." Ted stated before hanging up without a goodbye.

    "No prob.." Chris said to himself.

    He always thought Ted swindled him with the Nick crap. He probably just stays home all day!  Chris gave a sigh and began walking to the alleyway he visited so often.

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