bonding time

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Chris flopped on his bed, attempting to suffocate himself in the blankets embrace. He laid there for a moment, but was quickly to his feet and pacing around his room. Foofy crawled out from under the bed and watched as Chris's pacing became more frantic. "Auggh..." Chris whined as he sank to the floor.

Now noticing the furry companion, Chris sprawled out and reached out to his beloved cat. Foofy's tail flicked about angrily, and he crawled back under the bed.

"You've always been my friend Foofy, ever since I got you from..T-Ted.!" Upon saying the boy's name out loud, Chris began sobbing uncontrollably. "W-why am- why am I crying much??" He choked out to himself. A knock came softly at his door.

"Go away Aiden. I know you want me to shut up, but I'm not going to!" There was silence, then the knob rattled. He stood up, and unlocked the door, opening it to be met with his mother's eyes, along a pissed face.

"Oh m-mom!" He said nervously while opening the door wider. "What did I say about locking your door?" She said while looking at his wrists and around the room. "You aren't smoking weed or anything are you?" She said while smelling things in the  room.

"Of course not mom, I just wanted Aiden to leave me alone."

She raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "You and I both know Aiden wouldn't bother you, he's always glued to that game, and he's just a 'leave me be' person."

"An asshole you mean.." Chris grumbled. Kate grabbed his ear and yanked him out of the room.

She dragged him down the hall and walked in to Aiden's room. "Get out freak!" Aiden shouted, assuming Chris was back to bother him. His eye bugged out of his head when Kate stood in the door with an appalled expression.

"Oh my God.. mom I didn't mean it!!" He yelped as the angry woman marched toward him, still dragging Chris along.




Aiden and Chris sat on the couch after a scolding and butt-whooping. Kate now stood in front the two, looking down at them, still fuming. "Boys," she said after a long silence "You two are going outside for some fresh air, together, and you are going to get along from now on...or" she said while walking to the closet. She rummaged through until she found a white shirt. She unfolded it, and in a colorful font said; "sibling bonding shirt"

Chris and Aiden looked at each other in shock, and with out a second thought, grabbed each others hand and marched to the front door. "Chris honey, at least put a shirt on." Kate called out.

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