surprise surprise!

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Chris and Aiden walked out of the house after Chris put a top on. Aiden glared suspiciously at Chris when he came out in a jacket on the middle of summer. Not a regular jacket either, a winter jacket that was fluffy and neon pink.

He and Chris held hands for a block or two, then Aiden ripped his hand out of Chris's, and glared at him. "I would be calling you a freak right now, but I have other things to ask, one being; why the fuck are you wearing a winter jacket during summer? Aren't you dying in that thing?"

Chris looked down at Aiden in a slight panic. "Well, it protection from trash! I don't want people to laugh at me the way they did earlier."
Aiden raised an eyebrow and commented; "well if you keep that jacket on, you smell like sweaty trash. And I would prefer if it was only trash, so take that ridiculous thing off-"

"And I'm also wearing an..'interesting' shirt underneath.. It's the only one I had left in my closet since mom took my other one. You know how she starts to clean things if she gets really angry."

Aiden agreed without hesitation, then looked around, suddenly losing interest in the conversation. "It's fine, I probably won't judge you this time, but please take that jacket off."

Chris unzipped the jacket and Aiden stared for a while, he was clearly judging. "What the fuck are you wearing?"

Chris blushed in embarrassment and zipped the coat up. "Shit man, I know you were weird but a crop top is a bit much, why do you own such a thing?!" Aiden said as if he was agonizing pain.

"Um, well it's because i..sometimes Go to the club that's downtown."

Aiden scowled and turned around. " Your gonna have had  stay at least five feet from me, okay? I don't want my reputation of awesomeness ruined because of you." Aiden growled while walking off in a random direction.

Little did Chris know that Aiden had only walked away to cover a smile. He only saw Aiden from behind, shaking his head.

Aiden walked faster as he tried to shake Chris off, but you can't get too far when you have tiny little legs and your pursuer had long-ass legs followed by a long-ass stride.

"Stop following me!" Aiden yelled, starting to jog. "No I don't want you to get lost in the crowd!" Chris replied.

'Bastard!' Aiden thought to himself as he started running. He was gaining distance until Chris ditched the coat and started catching up. "Mother fucker!" Aiden hissed to himself,  looking back at Chris.

Right as he turned around, he ran into someone and hit the ground roughly.

Moments later he was lifted by the back of his hoodie and met with silver eyes. "You little shit, watch where you're going." He dropped Aiden and looked down at him. "Have you seen Chris?"


Chris stopped in his tracks when he found Ted and Aiden. He imidiateley turned around to run away when Ted grabbed him.

He started yelling bloody murder as he struggled to get out of Ted's grip. "Chris chill out, you're making a scene!" Chris played dead fish after seeing no escape, and went limp. Ted scowled at all the bypassers who made eye contact as he lifted Chris by the waist with one arm then Aiden with the other.

He brought them all the way back to there house and dropped them on the lawn. Aiden scurried off into the backyard and Chris didn't move.

Ted looked at Chris's shirt, which was a long sleeve crop top with little cat face print. He smiled a bit, then kneeled down and attempted to remove Chris's hands which was currently covering his face.

He knew he was stronger than Chris by far, but he let Chris win the battle. Chris rolled over, thinking he won, until Ted grabbed him by his bare waist an turned him back over. He started tickling him until he began laughing, removing his hands to swat at Ted. "Nooo stop!" He laughed. He curled up an made an attempt to cover his face again when Ted grabbed his arms and held them to the ground gently.

"Chris, I'm sorry for what I did and I saw how pained you where when I we saw each other at the coffee shop. Please forgive me." Ted said as he leg go of Chris's arms and hugged his waist instead, his head resting on Chris's chest.

Chris blushed at Ted being
so close, an could only manage a nod that he couldn't see.

"The shirt looks nice by the way." Ted commented, finally getting up to look at Chris. Aiden's head poked over the fence where he proceeded to comment "yeah he takes it to a club where he probably blows dudes!" He yelled before disappearing.

Ted looked back at Chris with wide eyes. Chris scrambled to his feet and bolted to the front door.

"You go clubbing?? Which one? What days? Why didn't you invite me to go!!" Ted shouted in a whiny voice as he ran to Chris.

Chris was surprised by Ted's reaction. He thought he'd be mad, but he couldn't tell. He tried to open the front door before Ted got to him, but the door was locked.

He turned  around where Ted pinned him to the door and stared dead into his eyes. "We're going clubbing tonight." He said before backing away and walking down the driveway.
"Was that a request..?"

Ted looked back and shook his head "no, that was a demand."

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