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Ted grimaced as Chris ran off without a second glance. With a grunt, he began following after him. But to his unfortunate luck, Chris had been lost to the crowded streets. Some choice words were said as he shook his head and walked back to the cafe. He sat back in his chair and continued talking to the strangers, which wasn't as enjoyable now. Feeling agitated, Ted excused himself and made his way to the bathroom. 

The bathroom was empty, and Ted felt better already. Silence was very nice. It was something he could never enjoy while Chris was around. 'Chris..' Ted thought to himself. Indeed he felt bad, knowing he was the reason Chris was in tears as he ran off. 

"you have some awesome hair. Green is a nice color." A voice called out in a cheerful tone. Ted looked over to see a brunette in a purple shirt using the urinal next to his. the boy smiled and continued his business. "thanks." Ted said after a long while. The brunette flashed another smile and held his hand out. " I'm Gabe, nice to meet you." Ted scowled in distaste at his hand. 

"I'm not touching your hand until you wash it. disgusting," he said while walking to the sink. The boy gave a chuckle then did as asked of him. Once Ted finished washing his hands, he held his hand out reluctantly to the other. " I'm Ted." Gabe shook Ted's hand and then skipped out of the bathroom with a "see you later!"

Ted scowled ask the brunette left. "Hope I see you never." He grumbled to himself. 'sheesh, he reminds me of Chris.' He left the washroom moments later and headed out. He paced down to street to Chris's house.

Chris flopped on the couch and cried once more into the pillow. His younger brother marched down the stairs with his game boy and a scowl. He walked up to Chris and and threw the pillow at the other end of the couch at him.

"Aiden why do you hate me too..?" Chris whined. With a roll of his eyes, he answered. "I hate everybody." At this Chris cried out as if in pain. He held his arms out for a hug as he threw himself at Aiden.

Aiden stepped to the side, watching his brother fall to the floor. He laughed then walked away. Chris stayed on the floor for a while, until the meow of his cat, Foofy. Chris jumped up with a smile and went to scoop up Foofy, who sprinted off with a screech.

"Argh! Why am I hated so much? Doesn't anyone love me?!"

He sat in silence for a long while, wishing someone would answer. No one did. He frowned and stormed to his room, slamming the door behind him.

He used his phone screen to took at his face, and up in seeing the scratches, he screamed and threw his phone at the wall.

"Damn it!"

*Note from the author*

This isn't cannon, I just used Gabe this once, he isnt important and won't be seen again..


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