Zodiac On Thanksgiving

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Aries: Playing with the children and behaving like one too.

Taurus: Munching on food all day anxiously awaiting the main meal.

Gemini: Walks around talking to everyone while listening to and spreading gossip

Cancer- Does most of the cooking and food preparations so the others don't have to.

Leo- Bring store bought food and wine because they have no idea how to cook.

Virgo- Stands in the kitchen and explains to everyone why the way they are cooking is wrong.

Libra- Tries to keep other people's disagreements from going overboard.

Scorpio- Uncovers all the dark secrets people are keeping and do not want everyone else to know about.

Sag- only make a brief apperance because they want to leave and do something fun.

Capricorn- Spends the entire time stressed about all the work they need to do but are not getting done thanks to the holidays.

Aquarius- Gets annoyed with how normal everyone is trying to appear to be and purposely stir the pot.

Pisces- Spends all day drinking and hopes they do not appear as intoxicated as they feel.

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